Rasim Ojagov
1933 - 2006The Birthday Party
Rasim Ojagov
Hadji Ismailov, Shafiga Mammadova
This lyrical psychological film is about true friendship. The characters in the film are contemporaries in of late 1970s Azerbaijan SSR with differing visions of the world, yet sharing true and lasting friendship.
The Birthday Party
Sound of the Pipe
Rasim Ojagov
Akif Maharramov, Mammadrza Sheikhzamanov
The novelette was written by I.Huseynov. In the film, the problem of war is viewed from the perspective of love. Almost all of the men of the village are at the battlefront. The women who stayed in the night and day to support their efforts. Children wake up in the middle of the night, crying for bread. All of the villagers feel anxious for the men to return. Mothers are waiting for their sons; wives, for their husbands and children, for their fathers. When Sayali's husband dies at the front, her husband's friend Jabrayil proposes to her. The people of the village are furious. Jabrayil's brothers leave home, convinced that their family has been disgraced. One brother goesw crazy; the other fall ill and dies. The only person who doesn't blame Jabrayil is the "agsaggal" (the wise old man) of the village - Isfandiyar Kishi. In this film, note single sound of weaponry is heard, not are any battle scenes depicted, yet we still witness the inherent tragedy of war.
Sound of the Pipe
Rasim Ojagov
Fakhraddin Manafov, Galina Belyayeva
Практицизм и эгоизм не принесли Другу успехов и благополучия, к которым он так стремился. И теперь вся надежда только на Марата, бригадира нефтяников, который хоть и знал его хорошо с самого детства, но эксперимент, обещающий значительное увеличение нефти, должен разрешить. Ведь тогда Марат получит премию, а он, в случае удачи, защитит диссертацию. С этим предложением Друг и посетил Марата, озабоченного, как никогда, текущим планом нефтедобычи...
Business and Pleasure
Rasim Ojagov
Hadji Ismailov, Nuriya Ahmadova
Mustafa works as a guide in Shaki (the city in Azerbaijan) and decides traveling to Turkey for making a trade to get some money. When his spouse and him went there, unexpected processes started to happen.
Business and Pleasure
Otel Otağı
Rasim Ojagov
Fakhraddin Manafov, Rasim Balayev
В центре фильма - герой-интеллигент, ученый-тюрколог, человек, сохранивший личное достоинство в самые сложные времена. Верность своим убеждениям и нравственным принципам он оплачивает бесконечными служебными неприятностями. Действие происходит в Азербайджане и Турции в 1990-е годы и 1930-1940-е.
Hotel Room
Rasim Ojagov
Aleksandr Kalyagin, Hasan Mammadov
The investigator Seyfi Ganiyev runs the case of an illegal mercery shop's head Murad Abiyev, who confessed in embezzlement of one million rubles from public funds. Abiyev is also accused of the murder of an underage girls that occurred in Riga shortly after Abiyev saw her. He denies his guilt, but does not name the perpetrators though he knows them, despite the fact that he is facing the death penalty. The investigator understands that some high-ranking officials stand behind Abiyev, but he has no proof. Ganiyev seeks to obtain from the prisoner the whole truth to bring the criminals to justice.
In Front of a Closed Door
Rasim Ojagov
Rodion Nahapetov, Nasiba Zeynalova
Любимец всего двора Мурад только что вернулся из тюрьмы, куда попал, взяв на себя вину за преступление своего друга. Все это время его ждала невеста Гюля, и теперь они собираются пожениться. Тем временем из-за одной из дверей выходящих во двор Мурада то и дело доносится крик женщины, но соседи ничего не предпринимают. Сможет ли Мурад возвыситься над всеобщим равнодушием к делам соседа и помочь несчастной женщине?
In Front of a Closed Door
Семь дней после убийства
Rasim Ojagov
Tatyana Lyutaeva, Fakhraddin Manafov
A terrible tragedy occurs in the family of a famous general: one of his daughters is killed. The investigator leading the case understands that an outwardly prosperous and friendly family only seems to be pretending to be happy.
Seven Days After the Murder