Rosendo Ruíz
2021Casa Propia
Rosendo Ruíz
Gustavo Almada, Ariel Martínez Morán
Alejandro is a 40 year-old high-school teacher who lives with his mother. He is going through a personal financial crisis and being under the same roof with her makes him very unhappy. He's looking to move out on his own, but his mother's diagnosis of terminal cancer will force him to rethink his plans amidst a state of constant emotional distress.
Casa Propia

Ahora y siempre
Rosendo Ruíz
A group of senior high school students make a series of claims to the management of the education system. After frictions and punishments, they take the school, forcing the authorities to dialogue and, thus, achieve some of the changes raised.
Ahora y siempre

De caravana
Rosendo Ruíz
Francisco Colja, Yohana Pereyra
Juan Cruz, un fotógrafo de clase alta de Córdoba, tiene que sacar fotos en el recital del cantante popular “La Mona” Jiménez. En este ámbito de costumbres desconocidas para él, descubrirá otro mundo, el de Sara, una joven atractiva con quien vivirá una historia de amor y una peligrosa caravana de aventuras.

Rosendo Ruíz
Two primary schools participate in a Medieval game, two children disappear in the event. His friends look for them and instead of finding them they give with a strange stone that possesses properties for the teleportation.They build a time machine with it, travel to the Middle Ages and find their missing friends. After several incidents with medieval children manage to rebuild the time machine and finally return to the present.

El deportivo
Alejandro Cozza, Antonio Moro
Sergio Bueno, Rosa Ledesma
Carla, a girl from the neighborhood of Las Palmas, in the capital of the Córdoba province, who, along with his stepbrother and some friends ( fervent fans of the neighborhood's soccer club), steal the good-luck hen of the opposing team: Alberdi sporting Club. This way, from neighborhood to neighborhood, concrete elements (money, balls, drums, motorbikes, the hen itself) are passed from hand to hand and different relations will tie their luck to them.
Sporting Club

El limonero real
Gustavo Fontán
Eva Bianco, Germán de Silva
A family gets together for New year. Three sisters and their families who live by the river. One of them does not attend because she is still in mourning. Her sisters and her nieces try to convince her but she remains firm in her refusal.
The Regal Lemon Tree