Dmitry Frolov
1966 (59 лет)Moonlight People
Dmitry Frolov
Yuri Jadrovsky, Владимир Золотарь
Two young men and two girls on a moonlit night confess to each other in their strange fantasies and loves that go beyond the usual standards.. The impetus to making the film was the book of the same name by the Russian religious philosopher Vasily Rozanov, who died 100 years ago. His treatise was devoted to the study of sexuality and its denial in Christianity. The film was made in the style of experimental films of the 1920s with a non-linear narration full of strange surrealistic images. He is black and white and devoid of dialogue. Filmed on film 16 mm of firm "Svema", released in the USSR. This added to his exoticism. The image was put to the music of Alexander Scriabin “The Poem of Ecstasy” (1907).
Moonlight People

Do not August, 1991
Dmitry Frolov
Natalya Surkova, Дмитрий Шибанов
The film was made in the days of the August 1991 coup in Leningrad, USSR . Respecting the manner of a proprietary parallel cinema with the use of hand-held camera . Subsequently, Lars von Trier in his " Dogma " went on the same way , using a handheld camera without a tripod or placing special light. The soundtrack of the film is the soundtrack Emergency Committee appeal for the All-Union Radio August 19, 1991 . The film captured the moment of change red tricolor flag on the roof of the Mariinsky Palace on August 20, 1991.
Do not August, 1991

Dmitry Frolov
Natalya Surkova, Dmitri Ignatov
On a remote almost uninhabited island, there are two gently friendly representatives of the once opposing sides. They have long been accustomed to each other and do not expect any changes in life. And all of a sudden a woman appears on the island!
The Little Sotmaid

Парапонтий Мазлей
Dmitry Frolov
Vladimir Ignatiev
In the film, the outstanding contemporary avant-garde poet Vladimir Ignatiev, the heir of OBERIUT, appeared. He played himself and read his own poetry. The film was shot 25 years ago soon after Vladimir received a serious craniocerebral injury, received as a result of the bandit attack.
Parapontiy Mazley

Winter Will Not Be
Dmitry Frolov
Leonid Fedorov, Anastasiya Shkirskaya
"There will be no winters" - a film consisting of 14 short novels, each with its own plot and a musical theme. In fact, this is a screen version of the same album of Russian avant-garde singer Leonid Fedorov.
Winter Will Not Be

Dmitry Frolov
Vladimir Ignatiev, Владимир Золотарь
The loneliness of man before nature. Loneliness in the urban environment. Loneliness as a way of life. Alone in front of myself - The film is dedicated to the artists of "Silver age" or "Fin de Siecle". This dedication applies primarily to Kazimir Malevich, and Edvard Munch.
The Lone

Мундир космонавта
Dmitry Frolov
Дмитрий Шибанов, Ориза Тризняк
Mockumentary experimental film, which shows one day in the life of a young man. The action takes place on the Day of Soviet Cosmonautics, April 12, one of the last years of the USSR. Outside the window, it is gradually getting warmer, the onset of spring is felt, promising hope for the possibility of changes in the country. The hero of the film is fond of space. The young man, who idolizes Gagarin, is engaged in reconstruction, making the uniform in which the cosmonaut walked in the prime of his glory. Our hero is also a film enthusiast. He makes films with stories of space flights and shows them to his friends. The film is stylized as amateur films of the 1980s and was shot on a 16-mm color film made by the company" Svema", made in the Soviet Union. The quality of this film allows the viewer to fully immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the time of the film, which is dedicated to Soviet cosmonautics and Edward D. Wood Jr.
Astronaut's Uniform

Время, назад!
Dmitry Frolov
Sergey Oskolkov
"Time, forward!" - two orchestral suites by George Sviridov, published for the first time in 1968 (first suite) and in 1977 (second suite). The suites were created on the basis of music for the film "Time, Forward!" By Mikhail Schweitzer (based on the novel of the same name by Valentin Kataev, shot in 1965, released in 1966), dedicated to the construction of the Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine. From the first suite, the most famous part is "Time, forward!". Subsequently, it was used in a number of films, in television and radio programs, documentary films about the first five-year plans, industrialization, and post-war reconstruction. Sergei Oskolkov composed his suite: "Time, back!" The film is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the revolution in Russia.
Time, ago!