Art Spiegelman
2021Will Eisner: Portrait of a Sequential Artist
Andrew D. Cooke
Will Eisner, Art Spiegelman
Arguably the most influential person in American comics, Will Eisner, as artist, entrepreneur, innovator, and visual storyteller, enjoyed a career that encompassed comic books from their early beginnings in the 1930s to their development as graphic novels in the 1990s. During his sixty-year-plus career, Eisner introduced the now-traditional mode of comic book production; championed mature, sophisticated storytelling; was an early advocate for using the medium as a tool for education; pioneered the now-popular graphic novel, and served as inspiration for generations of artists. Without a doubt, Will Eisner was the godfather of the American comic book.
Will Eisner: Portrait of a Sequential Artist

Comic Book Literacy
Todd Kent
Kat Amano, Marc Andreyko
Comic books are a medium as diverse as movies and encourage more thought than video games. Yet this misunderstood medium has always been the dirty little secret of the literature world. From the immigrant who learns English by reading Superman comics to the child who develops a love of literature from the X-Men, comics have kept America reading for decades with fantastic tales, well structured stories and amazing fantasies.
Comic Book Literacy