Zoe Leonard
2021Age 12: Love with a Little L
Jennifer Montgomery
Nina Fonoroff, Robin Guarino
This film is depicts early lesbian sexuality, using reenacted scenes from the experience of a 12-year old girl as the platform for a meditation on forbidden desire, transgression, and Lacanian psychoanalytic concepts of identity formation. Raw adolescent memories counterpoint staged scenes, exploring mechanisms of power and submission.
Age 12: Love with a Little L

Keep Your Laws off My Body
Zoe Leonard, Catherine Gund
Intimate scenes of gentle sexuality and domesticity set to the mechanical cadence of a projector (evoking a feeling somewhere between the repetitive labour of a sewing machine and violence of a machine gun) are juxtaposed with images of police and sirens to highlight the alarming intrusion of America’s laws on queer people and women’s bodies in healthcare, sexual expression, and desire.
Keep Your Laws off My Body