Aya Somech
2021She'elot Shel Po'el Met
Aya Somech
Alex Ansky, Yom-Tov Bana
A construction worker kidnaps his boss in order to read off the roof of the building his manifest of social justice. A couple of young filmmakers are looking for a flat. A group of Arab workers are eating their lunch. Whose narrative is it?
Questions of a Dead Worker

Coffee - Between Reality and Imagination
Maysaloun Hamoud, Eitan Sarid
A cinematic collaboration between young Israeli and Palestinian filmmakers, who together created a series of short films. Coffee takes part in our cultural identity, it is shared by all individuals in terms of our daily routine and pastes different people together, no matter who they are. Includes two documentaries and two fiction films made by Palestinian filmmakers, and four fiction films made by Israeli filmmakers. Each of the films gives a personal and courageous point of view on the reality in which we live in.
Coffee: Between Reality and Imagination