Vladimir Yerofeyev
1898 - 1940the Land of the Lion and Sun
Vladimir Yerofeyev
The 41-minute documentary directed by Vladimir Yerofeyev, is a 1928 Russian production. 'The Land of the Lion and Sun' has recorded different moments of Iranian people’s social life, the country’s general ambience, women’s clothing in the year 1921.
The Land of the Lion and Sun

Далеко в Азии
Vladimir Yerofeyev
Vladimir Erofeev was a key figure in the development of the Soviet travelogue during the late 1920s. See for example Far Away in Asia [Daleko v Azii, 1931] and The Roof of the World: An Expedition to Pamir [Krysha mira: ekspeditsiia na Pamir, 1927].
Far Away in Asia

Сердце Азии (Афганистан)
Vladimir Yerofeyev
This Russian documentary offered tantalizing glimpses of Afghanistan, which in 1929 was still one of the few heavily-populated areas in the world where the residents continued to live as they did in the Middle Ages. A progressive new leader named Amnullah tries to "Westernize" the country, meeting plenty of resistance from native reactionaries.
Heart of Asia (Afghanistan)