Quentin Delaroche
Quentin Delaroche
Mayara Gomes, César Lucena
Every four years, the calm and peacefull Camocim de São Félix, a small town in Pernambuco (Brazil), is shaken, revealing an outpouring of joy, anger, hope and disappointment. During the municipal political campaign, the city splits into two, and everything seems to orbit around politics. In the middle of this political market, Mayara, 23, tries to make a "clean" campaign to elect his candidate and friend Cesar.

Victória Álvares, Quentin Delaroche
Six weeks before Brazil's heated 2018 presidential elections, striking truck drivers set up hundreds of blockades all across the country, believing military intervention to be their only salvation. But when the army finally arrives to put an end to the crisis, nothing goes quite as expected.

Victória Álvares, Quentin Delaroche
Marcos da Silva dos Santos, Benedito Amauro
Brazil, May 2018. Presidential elections are approaching as the economic and political crisis intensifies. Amid the chaos, the class of truck drivers, responsible for the supply of large cities, starts a blockade on the roads, aggravating tensions. However, amidst the demands for better working conditions, there is also a discourse for the military intervention that distorts.