Mario Kamberg
2021Star Trek the Experience: Klingon Encounter
David de Vos, Mario Kamberg
Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes
An attempt by some evil Klingons to kidnap visitors at The Las Vegas Hilton is foiled when the 24th century starship U.S.S. Enterprise transports them safely aboard. Taken to the bridge, the guests are told by Commander Riker that the Klingons plan is to disrupt the future time-line. Riker orders Lt. Commander LaForge to take them through the Klingon battle-zone and back to the 20th century aboard a shuttle-craft so that the time-line can be restored.
Star Trek the Experience: Klingon Encounter

Mario Kamberg
Our sister ship is lost and we are launched into the ocean on a search mission. Sammy the Dolphin will guide our mini-submarine and protect us from dangers. And of course, we will need his protection. We soon encounter a sea monster and have to run for our lives. We dart inside an old tanker ship, pursued by the monster; we escape but the monster bites the tail off of our submarine, hitting the fuel tank. The captain hits the ejector button; the explosion blows us out of the water and we splash down back at the mother ship with our mission completed.