Michel Fiszbin
2021Désentubage cathodique
Pierre Merejkowsky, Olivier Azam
From falsehood to mystification to manipulation and false impartiality, the whole logic of disinformation and brutality is brought to light. When the king of the media and his politico-journalistic buffoons are sifted by a radical counter-audiovisual power, the discredit of the "elites" sanctioned by the referendum of May 29, 2005 is better understood. With this film, Zalea TV's team had decided to laugh about it and make them laugh, even if at bottom these discoveries were rather disturbing. By staging a series of very simple techniques of "self-defense", this film is an invitation to self-disengage permanently. The use of the TV-B Gone, an instrument whose sole function is to turn off the television, appears here as the ultimate resort to media criticism.
Désentubage cathodique
Carbone 14
Jean-François Gallotte, Joëlle Malberg
Supernana, Jean-Yves Lafesse
Supernana, David Grossexe, Simone Cuisse d'Acier, Jean-Yves Lafesse occupy during three nights of summer 82, with their guests, Radio Carbone locals, one of those numerous « free radio » created in France at this period.
Carbone 14, le film