Mickey Reece
Mickey Reece
John Selvidge, Rebecca Cox
In the wake of local car salesman Marty Dickens' mysterious death, a chain of events is set in motion that destabilizes the lives of several people in a Midwestern city. This black and white film follows a range of eccentric characters including a corrupt lawyer, nightclub singer, a self-obsessed academic, and a recovering alcoholic as they search for love and meaning in their lives.
Mickey Reece
Rebecca Cox, Danny Marroquin
Patricia Peters is a piece of damaged goods fresh off a five-year prison stay after taking a fall into methamphetamine addiction. Patricia goes to Narcotics Anonymous after her release, but her support system is membrane-thin. Her sponsor Johnny McQuire has precious little willpower of his own, and it hardly helps that the two find each other just in time to hold hands and jump back into the abyss.