Ute Wieland
1957 (67 лет)Die Rebellin
Ute Wieland
Alexandra Neldel, David Rott
Lena's father works as a developer in Hitler's high-tech forge, where the famous unit receiver E1 was developed. When he dies in 1945, he leaves a notebook with the name Sattler. He should look for Lena. Lena is stranded with her seriously ill mother Hilde and her sister Betty in a village near Fürth. Here she meets two men: Walter Juskowiak, returnees from prisoner of war, with whom she meets, and Hans Sattler. The representative for radio kits turns out to be the son of Wilhelm Sattler, owner of the Sattler works in Fürth. Lena is sure to have finally found the right man.
Die Rebellin

Miss Texas
Ute Wieland
Natalia Wörner, Robert Seeliger
Die deutsche Fotojournalistin Katharina macht eine Reportage auf einer texanischen Ranch. Dabei verliebt sie sich - trotz aller Gegensätze - in den Chef-Cowboy. Und er sich in sie. Aber hat die Liebe eine Chance?
Miss Texas

Italiener und andere Süßigkeiten
Ute Wieland
Stefanie Stappenbeck, Benjamin Sadler
Designer Charlotte's monotonous single existence is thrown into turmoil when one day she meets businessman Paolo Fabrelli. She thinks she recognizes him as the ice cream seller who proposed to her in Italy years ago. In reality, however, Paolo is his cousin. Confused at first, then amused, Paolo doesn't even think about clearing the mix-up. He has fallen madly in love with Charlotte and hopes for true love...
Italiener und andere Süßigkeiten

Ute Wieland
Flora Thiemann, Emily Kusche
Best friends Nini and Jameelah are both 14 years old and live in the same housing complex in Berlin. Jameelah's family is from Iraq and might be deported if their application for citizenship isn't approved, but right now, the girls try not to worry about these existential problems. They look forward to the Berlin summer and the school holidays.
Tiger Milk

Besser als nix
Ute Wieland
François Goeske, Wotan Wilke Möhring
The 17-year-old Tom filled out a questionnaire for the Employment Agency at a vocational guidance office in his school. He falls in love with the trainee, which distributed the questionnaires. In the evaluation he gets out a job as an apprentice at a funeral home as a funeral professional.
Better than Nothing

Eiskalte Freunde
Ute Wieland
Andreas Guenther, Torben Liebrecht
Bingo! Lukas, a twenty-five-year-old law student, is among the chosen few accepted to study under the distinguished Professor Arndt. At the start of the summer semester he switches to Munich University. Lukas is determined to head his class and win the 25,000 valedictorian scholarship – the first step toward a great international career. Among Lukas’s classmates are smart Alexander and his friends Marco, Anton and lovely Evelyn. Fascinated by their charisma, Lukas dreams of joining the clique. Although Alexander is his major rival in the seminar, Lukas courts his friendship. To complicate matters, he falls head over heels in love with Evelyn, the most desirable woman he’s ever seen. Finally a dream comes true: The clique accepts him. But the glamorous lure proves treacherous. Unable to keep up with his new friends’ high-society lifestyle, Lukas gets into ever deeper trouble. Concealing his financial problems, he becomes entangled in a web of lies…
Cruel Friends

Wie angelt man sich seinen Chef?
Ute Wieland
Sophie Schütt, Johannes Brandrup
Anna Siebert, Sekretärin der Unternehmensberatung "Christian Hoffmann Consulting", ist in ihren Chef verknallt. Aber Christian möchte sich weder an Anna noch an eine andere Dame binden. Alle wissen das, nur Anna will es nicht wahrhaben. Während einer Betriebsfeier kommen sich die beiden im angetrunkenen Zustand doch näher und verbringen eine Nacht zusammen. Annas Glück währt nicht lange, denn ihr Angebeteter kann sich an nichts erinnern ...
Girl Friday

Freche Mädchen 2
Ute Wieland
Henriette Nagel, Selina Shirin Müller
After Kati, Hanna and Mila first experiences with guys, it is now necessary to cultivate those relations. The jealous Mila thinks that her friend Markus, would cheat on her with Vanessa. Kati, who is actually together with Tobi, finds that Robert, whom she met during a shooting, more than just cool. Only with Hanna everything seems to work perfectly. Branko is a real gentleman and does everything for her musical career - but not entirely unselfishly, as soon turns out. Problems therefore pre-programmed with the girlfriends and their new conquests!
Cheeky Girls 2