Robert Stone
1958 (67 лет)Radio Bikini
Robert Stone
Kilon Bauno, John Smitherman
It starts with a live radio broadcast from the Bikini Atoll a few days before it is annihilated by a nuclear test. Shows great footage from these times and tells the story of the US Navy Sailors who were exposed to radioactive fallout. One interviewed sailor suffered grotesquely swollen limbs and he is shown being interviewed with enormous left arm and hand.
Radio Bikini

Pandora's Promise
Robert Stone
Stewart Brand, Gwyneth Cravens
The atomic bomb, the specter of a global nuclear holocaust, and disasters like Fukushima have made nuclear energy synonymous with the darkest nightmares of the modern world. But what if everyone has nuclear power wrong? What if people knew that there are reactors that are self-sustaining and fully controllable and ones that require no waste disposal? What if nuclear power is the only energy source that has the ability to stop climate change?
Pandora's Promise

World War III
Robert Stone
Boris Leskin, Klaus Schleiff
This mock documentary uses archival footage, interviews and reports taken out of context and staged interviews to highlight a possible escalation into a nuclear war. In this feature, tension in East Germany, and an uprising triggered by a visit by Gorbachev sees a successful military coup taking place in the USSR. Western actions against brutal crack-downs on civilians involved increases tension between the sides, finally resulting in nuclear war.
World War III

Oswald's Ghost
Robert Stone
Lee Harvey Oswald, Gerald Ford
For the Baby Boomers, the assassination of President John F. Kennedy took on the same sense of tragedy as the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks did for Generation Y - not only for the effect that it had on the nation's morale but for the conspiracy theories that would follow in its wake as well. In the aftermath of the assassination,
Oswald's Ghost

JFK: The Lost Bullet
Robert Stone
Max Holland, John F. Kennedy
JFK: The Lost Bullet is a documentary by National Geographic that tries to answer the question: "Who killed John F Kennedy?" It re-evaluates the famous Zapruder film that shows the murder of JFK and states that Zapruder stopped filming and missed the first shot fired which changes the timeline of the bullets fired making it possible that Lee Harvey Oswald could have fired three shots. It argues that the magic bullet that hit JFK and Governor John Connally was in fact possible. The documentary also features other home movies taken on the day.
JFK: The Lost Bullet

American Experience The Civilian Conservation Corps
Robert Stone
American Experience celebrates the 75th anniversary of the Civilian Conservation Corps. Founded by Roosevelt during the Great Depression, the CCC put over 3 million men to work improving the countries infrastructure and national parks.
The Civilian Conservation Corps