Evgeny Grigoryev
1979 (45 лет)Leto
Kirill Serebrennikov
Yoo Teo, Roman Bilyk
Leningrad, one summer in the early eighties. Smuggling LPs by Lou Reed and David Bowie, the underground rock scene is boiling ahead of the Perestroika. Mike and his beautiful wife Natasha meet with young Viktor Tsoï. Together with friends, they will change the destiny of rock’n’roll in the Soviet Union.

Evgeny Grigoryev
Yuriy Borisov, Elizaveta Yankovskaya
The film’s plot is based on a true story about a 10-year-old boy from a village, Ilya,whose father is killed. The criminal remains unpunished. Nobody around this situation is particularly worried, except the child, who arranges a real hunt for the murderer.
The Riot

Битва за Украину
Evgeny Grigoryev, Andrei Konchalovsky
In the film Battle for Ukraine Andrei Konchalovsky, the famous Russian director, analyzes how Ukraine, a former part of the Soviet Empire and present big European country, struggles to escape from the close embrace of the former big brother, Russia, and not to become one of the American satellites. This extensive study lasted for almost three years. Many Ukrainian, Russian and American historians, politicians and journalists took part in this study, as well as the ex-President of Poland Aleksander Kwasniewski, the ex-President of Slovakia Rudolf Schuster, the ex-President of Georgia Eduard Shevardnadze, the seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations Kofi Annan, the ex-Prime Minister of Russia Viktor Chernomyrdin, and the businessman Boris Berezovsky.
Battle for Ukraine

Завещание. Федор Углов
Evgeny Grigoryev
Fyodor Uglov, the oldest practicing surgeon (from 1930 to 2004), who worked in all areas of surgery and performed many fundamentally new operations first in the world, delivers a monologue from the 100-year milestone of his own life.
Testament. Fyodor Uglov

Завещание. Генрих Иваницкий
Evgeny Grigoryev
Henrikh Ivanitsky, the creator of the gas-transport blood substitute, better known as "blue blood", experienced one of the most dramatic stories in Russian science of the XX century. The film is the first part of the "Testament" cycle.
Testament. Heinrich Ivanitsky

Кузнецы своего счастья
Evgeny Grigoryev
A two-story house on the former Sverdlovsk outskirts has cracked in half. A crack two fists wide passed exactly in the middle. The residents of the house are fighting for their happiness in various ways, some are dying. For example, an artist has died. He managed to draw a film, his son, Ilya, sang a movie, and the film crew only had to shoot the "First Movie".
Blacksmiths of Their Own Happiness

Леонид Коган. Неизвестные хроники
Evgeny Grigoryev
Pablo Picasso, Mstislav Rostropovich, Yasha Heifetz: all of them along with a series of outstanding figures of the 20th Century were captured for the film by a man who was an outstanding person himself. Leonid Kogan was a great violinist. He was perhaps one of the hundred in the USSR who had a chance to experience the taste of freedom. This is a true story about the price of freedom for an artist. When the government suspected his intention to emigrate, they strictly limited his concerts abroad and banned him from leaving the country. A year later the violinist died because freedom was his oxygen.
Leonid Kogan. Unknown Chronicles

Хенд Мейд
Evgeny Grigoryev
This film tells about people whose hands create the main components of life on the planet every day. And it’s not just the material basis of our world made of metal, concrete or wood, but it’s also something that gives meaning to our lives, inspires and gives hope. The film’s characters — a locksmith and a fisherman, a steelworker and a farmer, a furniture maker and an anesthesiologist — are followed by the film’s Director, who suddenly turns from an observer into a creator.

Человек неунывающий
Evgeny Grigoryev, Andrei Konchalovsky
“Homo Sperans” is a portrait of a Russian person composed of many images. The film's heroes are common men who answer with their lives the universal questions: what is the purpose of our existence, what is happiness, what is it to be a patriot. Their strength is in their ability to keep their chins up and always believe in a good outcome.
Homo Sperans

Завещание. Александр Зиновьев
Evgeny Grigoryev
Alexander Zinoviev is recognized as an outstanding scientist in the field of sign theory and the theory and theory of induction, is one of the three strongest logicians in the world, Doctor of Philosophy, professor of logic, author of more than 40 books, among which are famous "Gaping Heights".
Testament. Alexander Zinoviev