Vado Vergara
Henrique Bruch, Vado Vergara
Ander Belloto, Rodolfo Ruscheinsky
In big urban centers, major building constructions fire up the real state market. Whilst these buildings are risen in this upscale areas, people are thrown out of these idle spaces. Within one day, we keep up with two young men who try to figure out their relationship - one of them, an artist, shares a home with a drug addict 70 year-old trans woman - searches his professional fulfilment in another city.

Até Que Meus Dedos Sangrem
Vado Vergara
"Until My Fingers Bleed" is an experimental documentary, in which the performance's images intersect with the archival materials of the official government media channels. The spectacularization of the speech and the potential acting of the president are beyond documentary, approaching a fictionalized reality, by bringing out perverse poetics.
Until My Fingers Bleed