Mariya Pavlova
Mariya Pavlova
The story of the two wrestler girls in and out of the ring. Mephisto, the champion of the NFR and the champion of India, is a the sales manager in everyday life, while Casey, or the Queen of the Scream, is a recent graduate of the University.
She's The Champion

Долой царя!
Elena Khoreva, Maxim Pakhomov
Two days before the inauguration of Vladimir Putin, a protest action "Down with the tsar" took place in Moscow. The organizer of the rally, Alexei Navalny, was detained, the demonstrators were attacked by Cossacks, they were beaten by the police.
Down With the Tsar!

Тася из Томсино
Elena Khoreva, Maxim Pakhomov
A 12-year-old girl, Tasia, from the village of Tomsino in the Pskov Region wrote a letter to Vladimir Putin asking her to help her mother, a nurse in a local hospital. The villagers didn’t like this, where Tasya and her mother had moved shortly before that - they say, you need to "work, not ask." Tasha began to be poisoned, and an ex-girlfriend met her online under the guise of a young man and lured naked photographs.

Здесь и сейчас
Mariya Pavlova
Sakhalin is a distant island. It is swept away by April snowstorms, and if you leave there, then forever. And if you stay, then for good and for great love. Masha turns thirty, and she still hasn't left. And she still hasn't stayed. She can't decide. Or decide.
Here and Now

"Боевые еноты" Святой Руси
Mariya Pavlova
The organization E. N. O. T. Corp names as its activities "preventive measures against illegal migration, drug trafficking and organized crime, escorting humanitarian supplies to places of combat operations." On its website, you can find letters of thanks from regional administrations, the military, representatives of the church – and from various organizations in the so-called "LPR" and "DPR". But, in addition, E. N. O. T. Corp conducts training camps and war games for teenagers: "We do not forget about such an important matter as the military-patriotic education of young people." This is what the film is about.
Battle Raccoons