Mariya Sedyaeva
Mariya Sedyaeva
Park. Summer. The trees are so happy with the sun that they look like flowers. The chirp of a bird and an empty bench, on which sits a gray-haired old man-he is in a blue uniform, holding a notebook in his hands. What's he doing here? He says he's going to kill... This film is part of the documentary animation project "What am I Doing Here", conceived as a collaboration between playwright Sabrina Karabayeva and animator Maria Sedyaeva. The authors walk the streets of Yekaterinburg and ask all passers-by the same question: "What are you doing here?". Caught off guard, they tell the story as it is.

Двойное назначение
Mariya Sedyaeva
A factory director gives an interview, and he does not like it very much. Therefore his answers are extremely short. He says mainly "No" or "I do not know." But nevertheless one can understand his attitude to work, war and salvation.

Бессмертная медуза
Mariya Sedyaeva
A priest, a scientist and a witch talk about God, the meaning of life and death, each through the prism of their being. The leitmotif here is the image of an immortal jellyfish - it is beautiful, but as the completion of a dead-end branch of development, it seems completely meaningless.
Immortal Jellyfish