Arthur Fontes
Arthur Fontes, José Henrique Fonseca
Pedro Cardoso, Fernanda Torres
This film shows three episodes: "The First Sin" portrays the relationship of a man and married woman; in "Devilish", the desire between a young woman and her brother-in-law is shown; and in the episode "Cachorro!", a man sees his wife with her lover.

Ensaio Geral
Arthur Fontes
Flávio Pinheiro
Brazilian music gets the royal treatment in this eclectic collection that features performances from such luminaries as Jorge Aragao, Fundo de Quintal, Alcione and Bezerra Da Silva. Songs include "Malandro"; "Vendi Meu Peixe"; "Amor A Primeira Vista"; "Do Fundo Do Nosso Quintal"; "Tendencia"; "Miudinho, Meu Bem, Miudinho"; "Pot Pourri: Poeira Da Idade/ Eu Sei Que Vou Te Amar"; "Parabens Do Brasil Pra Voce"; and more.
Ensaio Geral

Trancado por Dentro
Arthur Fontes
Paulo Gracindo, Luciana Vendramini
The paraplegic Bóris stays at home with the beautiful young woman Cacau, while his wife Ivette goes to the movie theater. When Cadú, the boyfriend of Cacau, unexpectedly arrives in the apartment, a night of sex, sadism and violence happens. When Ivette returns, the fantasies of a sick mind are disclosed in a surprising end.
Trancado por Dentro

A Família Braz: Dois Tempos
Arthur Fontes, Dorrit Harazim
Six people, one family, ten years later. Dois Tempos resumes the narrative of the lives of the Braz, created in 2000, in the documentary A Família Braz. In 2010 the same directors return to the same house to update the portrait of the six characters. A decade later, what has been done with your expectations of the past, how you live life in the present and what to provide for the future.
A Família Braz: Dois Tempos