Carlos Nader
2021Noites do Norte ao Vivo
Carlos Nader, Carlos Manga Jr.
Lulu Santos, Caetano Veloso
Registro ao vivo da turnê de Noites do Norte, este DVD traz o cantor e compostor baiano em sua melhor forma. Sucessos de carreira como Trem das Cores e Cajuína, as bossas Samba de Verão e Eu e a Brisa, músicas qua falam da realidade social como Haiti, a clássica Tropicália e hits pop como O Último Romântico e Como Uma Onda (ambas de Lulu Santos, que participa do álbum) fazem do Noites do Norte ao Vivo um lançamento imperfível para os fãs de MPB.
Caetano Veloso - Noites do Norte ao Vivo

A Paixão de JL
Carlos Nader
José Leonilson
In January 1990, at the age of 33, the artist José Leonilson starts registering an intimate journal in a tape recorder. His views on events that shook both Brazil, such as the resignation of former president Collor, and overseas, such as the fall of the Berlin Wall, permeate his confessions. He also talks about his impressions on the various movies he used to watch. The records of this sensitive artist in tune with modern life did not intend, at first, anything more than register the harmony that existed between his life and his peculiar and intimate work. However, J.L. suffers the unexpected blow of the discovery that he himself is HIV positive. The uncertainty and urgency in his life begin to permeate his reports.
JL's Passion

Pan-Cinema Permanente
Carlos Nader
Waly Salomão, Caetano Veloso
Documentary about Brazilian poet Waly Salomão, for whom life was always a fictional film and poetry was a way to expose any naturalistic pretension. His convictions affected many friends like Antonio Cícero, Caetano Veloso and the film's director Carlos Nader, who shoot Waly for 15 years. But how does one do a documentary about someone who believes everything is fiction?
Permanent Pan-Cinema

Homem Comum
Carlos Nader
Over nearly 20 years, filmmaker Carlos Nader lived with the Paraná truck Nilson de Paula and his family. From the beginning, the project was to conduct a documentary whose intentions become viscerally, a process also captured by the camera. During this period, becomes the lives of Nilson, who gets sick, his wife, Jane, and his only daughter, Liciane, as well as the director, who happens to be part of this circle also affectively. Major issues such as the meaning of life, are incorporated into the very fabric of the film, which oppose excerpts from the classic "The Word" (Ordet), Carl Dreyer, highlighting aesthetic and existential connections.
Homem Comum