Dmitriy Dyuzhev
1978 (46 лет)Dmitri was born to actor Peter Dyuzhev and Ludmila Dyuzheva and attended the Moscow Philharmonic School (GITIS) to study acting and directing. Prior to his film debut in “24 Hours” by Alexander Atanesyan in 2000, Dmitri performed in theatrical plays. His first major success came in 2005, with his performance as Kosmos in Aleksei Sidorov’s “Brigada”. He has since met with considerable Russian acclaim, landing major roles in award winning and top grossing domestic films alike.
The Island
Pavel Lungin
Pyotr Mamonov, Viktor Sukhorukov
Somewhere in Northern Russia in a small Russian Orthodox monastery lives an unusual man whose bizarre conduct confuses his fellow monks, while others who visit the island believe that the man has the power to heal, exorcise demons and foretell the future.
The Island

Алексей Балабанов. Найти своих и успокоиться
Lyudmila Snigireva
Nadezhda Vasileva, Inga Balabanova
His motto was laconic: "I promised - stay still." This is how Alexei Balabanov lived, raised his sons, was friends, and so filmed. A legendary director and an extraordinary person who made both "festival" and "mass" films with equal ease. He was a great father and a difficult husband, a loyal friend and an honest guy. Balabanov with his life, passions, losses, burning pain on the way to God in the memories of those closest to him - mother, sons, wife and friends. He seems to be telling the crew again: "Let's do it talentedly!"
Alexey Balabanov. Find Your Own and Calm Down

Dead Man's Bluff
Alexey Balabanov
Dmitriy Dyuzhev, Aleksey Panin
Sergei and Simon have to deliver a suitcase full of heroin to Mikhalych or else they will be killed. There is one minor detail: the only problem-solving technique they are familiar with is a shot in the head.
Dead Man's Bluff

Travelling with Pets
Vera Storozheva
Kseniya Kutepova, Dmitriy Dyuzhev
Plucked from an orphanage as a literal love slave, the now adult Natalija (a luminous Kseniya Kutepova) serves her ape-like husband by tending his prized cow—whose milk they sell to customers on passing trains. When hubby suddenly drops dead, however, Natalija’s narrow life of cows and rails finally starts opening up. Dumping his body at the local hospital, dropping by church to say a few prayers and trading in the cow for a pet goat, she slowly eliminates all trace of his former hold on her, searching out a new life in the freedom that emerges.
Travelling with Pets

Vladimir Zaykin
Dmitriy Dyuzhev, Nikita Vysotsky
Жизнь 32-летнего президента преуспевающей фирмы Сергея Петрова рушится в одночасье. Он теряет все: деньги, социальное положение, дом, семью, работу — и оказывается на улице. Однажды, скитаясь по городу, герой встречает своего бывшего однокурсника, а ныне мелкого жулика Кулему. Вместе с ним Петров приходит в бюро по трудоустройству, где ему предлагают работу… «Слушателя». Так он попадает в семью Федуловых, где и начинает «работать» — выслушивать брань и оскорбления всех обитателей дома, не рискующих открыто высказываться друг перед другом. Вскоре в доме появляется старшая дочь Федуловых — Марина, сбежавшая от подлеца-мужа. Стычки Петрова с Мариной незаметно перерастают в нечто иное… И когда беды и неприятности героев доходят до предела, когда все буквально подходят к грани отчаяния, как это всегда и бывает в новогоднюю ночь, свершается чудо… Открываются неожиданные факты, которые круто меняют ход событий и дарят героям долгожданное счастье!

It Doesn't Hurt Me
Alexey Balabanov
Renata Litvinova, Aleksandr Yatsenko
Three friends are in the entrance of a luxury home in the heart of the city. They are young, full of strength and energy, they have the talent, skill and thirst for life and ... - well, they have all but one. But money...
It Doesn't Hurt Me

Ashot Keshchyan, Eldar Salavatov
Anastasiya Zavorotnyuk, Igor Vernik
Every year on the International Women’s Day telephone networks transfer millions of phone calls and SMS messages. The vast majority of phone calls are addressed to the most important women in lives of everyone - to our mothers. But what would it be if because of enormous number of calls telephone network breaks down? What would we do? Someone would wait until network is rebuilt and would congratulate his mom in the evening or even the next day. But others, like the heroes of our movie, would change their plans to congratulate their moms just today ... personally ... as a kid!..

Ресторан по понятиям
Jerzy Antczak
Stanisława Celińska, Ivan Kokorin
A story about four criminals: an experienced thief, a sneaky gigolo, A troublemaker and naïve stupid pets kidnapper. They all met in prison and now are planning their last big affair before resigning from criminal life. Ex-prisoners rent a restaurant next to a bank planning to secretly dig their way to the safe. Unexpectedly, though, their place with its prison cuisine and no BS attitude becomes a great hit. Now the guys have to decide whether to stay with the romance of the criminal life and go to the end with their plan or to choose a new life with a new business.
The Gang Restaurant

Яды, или всемирная история отравлений
Karen Shakhnazarov
Oleg Basilashvili, Ignat Akrachkov
A story of an actor named Oleg whose wife has been seduced by his neighbor. As he is thoroughly convinced of her infidelity, he would like to poison her. An old man named Prokhorov helps him to get rid of his wife by lecturing about famous deaths caused by poisoning. It is from Prokhorov we learn that many famous and not so famous like Cesare Borgia and Caligula were killed as they were poisoned.
Poisons or the World History of Poisoning

High Security Vacation
Igor Zaytsev
Sergei Bezrukov, Dmitriy Dyuzhev
Two escaped convicts pose as children's summer camp staff in order to evade capture and learn about caring for others in the process. Sumrak has been in prison since he was 16 years old but is pushing thirty now, is well acquainted with prison gang culture and covered with tattoos. Evgeni Koltsov is a former police officer unjustly imprisoned and destined for a death sentence from the other inmates if he stays in prison.
High Security Vacation

Tarif Novogodniy
Evgeniy Bedarev
Valeriya Lanskaya, Maksim Matveev
Performing the traditional New Year's call on the unknown phone number Andrey didn't even suspected, that just after his return to Moscow, he had bought a magic starting pack of cellular communications operator. Getting through to the deserted in New Year's eve Alyona, Andrey almost falls in love with her, but there exists a temporal problem. Alyona is celebrating coming 2008 year and Andrey is going to meet 2009. Trying "to set a contact" with Alyona's «future variant» he comes to know the terrible truth about the events, that appended in the end of 2008. Now the main goal of Andrey and all his friends - to prevent the awful tragedy and to turn into reality the meeting of Alyona and Andrey...
The New Year's Rate Plan