Morten Kolstad
1941 (83 года)Morten Kolstad (born 6 May 1941) is a Norwegian director best known for his vampire comedy "Something Completely Different" (1985)
Noe helt annet
Morten Kolstad
Trond Kirkvaag, Knut Lystad
On a dark night, under a full moon, a childless couple find a crying baby on their doorstep and decide to adopt him. As the years pass, they come to discover that their young son is not like other children.
Something Completely Different

Норвегия, комедия
Morten Kolstad
Linda Digernes, Susanne Nielsen
A night Ragnhild can't sleep due to a storm, she discovers a horse in distress. The horse runs away, and the days after she is told that the horse is not real, but an old saying. But Ragnhild knows what she have seen.
The Wild Horse

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