René Bonnière
1928 (96 лет)Attiuk
René Bonnière, Pierre Perrault
Lloyd Bochner
The people of Unamenshipu (La Romaine), an Innu community in the Côte-Nord region of Quebec, are seen but not heard in this richly detailed documentary about the rituals surrounding an Innu caribou hunt. Released in 1960, it’s one of 13 titles in Au Pays de Neufve-France, a series of poetic documentary shorts about life along the St. Lawrence River. Off-camera narration, written by Pierre Perrault, frames the Innu participants through an ethnographic lens. Co-directed by René Bonnière and Perrault, a founding figure of Quebec’s direct cinema movement.

Maîtres-artisans du Canada
René Bonnière
Man's need to create beauty, to interpret the world around him in image and color, has found expression in many forms, from the days of primitive culture to the present. This film surveys the work of Canadian craftsmen in many fields, showing how the changing Canadian scene has been their constant inspiration and how business enterprise today is increasingly using the skills of the artisan to enhance the decor of building interiors.
Craftsmen of Canada

Pretend You Don't See Her
René Bonnière
Emma Samms, Hannes Jaenicke
An estate agent is forced into witness protection soon after selling the apartment of a girl who died in suspicious circumstances. However, when the deceased girl's mother is also found dead, all signs point to a murderer on the loose, and it becomes apparent the agent's new identity may not protect her from the killer.
Pretend You Don't See Her

Perfect Timing
René Bonnière
Paul Boretski, Stephen Markle
Perfect Timing is the story of Harry Crane, an infamous photographer whose sublime and evocative images single-handedly reshaped and rebuilt the boudoir and fitness industries. But, having made his mark, allowed the artist within to be released. Creatively and artistically, Harry has moved on; his work now consisting of portraits and interpreting rock wall fractals. Of course that meant leaving the professional schlock of commercial advertising behind him. Sounds good. Except there's that pesky issue of money. And Harry and his buds are quickly burning through large quantities of it. Bottom line - he's nearly broke and faces eviction.
Perfect Timing

Haven't We Met Before?
René Bonnière
Anthony Lemke, Nicollette Sheridan
Under hypnosis, a mental patient admits to several recent murders. He also offers a strange defense when he claims that he is the reincarnation of a 19th century man who was wrongly executed.
Haven't We Met Before?

Dream Man
René Bonnière
Patsy Kensit, Bruce Greenwood
Kris is a homicide cop with psychic abilities. She works to prove that the prime suspect in her latest case (the much younger husband of the millionaire victim) is innocent. But are her visions true, or planned by someone who knows what she can see?
Dream Man

Toutes Isles
René Bonnière, Pierre Perrault
Lloyd Bochner
Did Cartier dream of making a country from this land of a million birds? In his records of his exploration he certainly marvelled at seeing the great auks that have since disappeared from Isle aux Ouaiseaulx, the razor-bills and gannets that are gone from Blanc-Sablon, and the kittiwakes from Anticosti, all the winged creatures of all the islands which he described as being "as full of birds as a meadow is of grass". And that's not even counting the countless snow geese.
The Land of Jacques Cartier