Christopher Cassel
1977 (47 лет)Rise of the Superbombs
Christopher Cassel, Christopher Cassel
Viewers go inside the new world of futuristic conventional warfare and journey through the modern development of the U.S. and worldwide arsenals, highlighting the critical technological turning points of the post-WWII age, the most fearsome weapons in circulation now, and the mind-blowing armaments in development that will soon eclipse anything seen thus far.
Rise of the Superbombs

Clash of the Cave Men
Christopher Cassel
It was an epic battle of brains versus brawn that determined the course of human history. Witness our prehistoric ancestors as they clash with a completely different species of humans, the Neanderthals, some 30,000 years ago in Ice Age Europe. Neanderthals, stocky, powerful and able to tolerate intense pain versus their foes, the Cro-Magnons, weaker and more fragile but with a superior brain. Cutting-edge archaeological and anthropological research, including data from the ongoing Neanderthal genome mapping project at Germany's Max Planck Institute, lends up-to-the-minute realism and accuracy to this cataclysmic fight to the finish.
Clash of the Cave Men

Pope Vs. Hitler
Christopher Cassel
Andreas Berg, Michael Deffert
In the darkest days of World War II, St. Peter's was shrouded in the shadow of the swastika. But even as the Führer surrounded him, the Pope was plotting a secret counter-offensive. Wartime Pontiff Pius XII has been derided for his public silence about the Holocaust. But evidence suggests his silence may have been subterfuge.
Pope Vs. Hitler