Jos Stelling
1945 (79 лет)De wachtkamer
Jos Stelling
Gène Bervoets, Bianca Koedam
A large train station, it might be anywhere in a big city. Waiting passengers, some are curiously observing each other, some are too much involved with their own petty problems to pay attention to anything else. Our man, self- assured, practically undresses some of the woman present with his eyes, at least as long as his wife is absent, trying to get them some coffee. A beauty in blue returns his challenging looks, he can hardly believe it's true. Obviously, it is his lucky day today. By the time his wife returns our man has experienced some astonishing things under the watchful eyes of the fellow passengers. And most probably he will be much more reserved next time he sees a beautiful blonde.
The Waiting Room

De Pretenders
Jos Stelling
Hans Akerboom, Bob Casandra
Young people meet in the local pub and pretend a lot more than they are. Mostly their swanky conduct is touching and affecting. There is a lot of attention for the clothes, hair-dress, music and cars of the sixties. Some of the amateur-actors became later well-known Dutch actors and directors.
De Pretenders

The Flying Dutchman
Jos Stelling
René Groothof, Veerle Dobbelaere
Late 16th century, persecuted protestantism and general dissatisfaction with the Catholic Habsburg rule in the Netherlands lead to large-scale plundering and vandalizing of churches, only harshening the Spanish Inquisition, sparkling the Eighty Years War.
The Flying Dutchman

The Gallery
Jos Stelling
Gène Bervoets
Дожидаясь, пока закончится презентация нижнего белья около красочной витрины магазина, герой наслаждается крутящейся экспозицией замысловатых узоров нежного шелка и женских форм из пластмассы. Всем своим видом демонстрируя недовольство жене, он замечает сексапильную блондинку и пытается поймать ее ответный взгляд. Заметив его, девушка начинает вести себя более чем странно, не обращая внимания на посетителей торгового центра. Горячее приключение, прошедшее под пристальным взглядом зевак, снова оставит нашего озабоченного своей мужественностью героя в дураках.
The Gallery

The Gas Station
Jos Stelling
Gène Bervoets, Ellen ten Damme
An acknowledged master of the short sans dialogue, Jos Stelling won a bundle of awards for THE WAITING ROOM at festivals in Holland, Russia, and Switzerland. And if you thought that richly inventive spoof of the leering macho in God?s Little Acre, the crowded waiting room of your local railway station, was one of the luniest Erotic Tales ever made, then buckle your seat belt for a ride down Life?s Great Battlefield: the expressway during rush hour! Take the boredom of the slow lane, add the spice of one-upmanship, top it off with a delightful girl-boy butting match, and what?s missing? A layover at the next gas station.
The Gas Station

Rembrandt fecit 1669
Jos Stelling
Frans Stelling, Ton de Koff
In the final year of his life, Rembrandt painted a series of self-portraits that show him in a dark, lonely state of mind. Stelling has painstakingly recreated the pathetic end of a genius with an authenticity that allows viewers to infer their own conclusions about the relationship between Rembrandt's life and art.
Rembrandt fecit 1669

Het Meisje en de Dood
Jos Stelling
Sylvia Hoeks, Renata Litvinova
A chance meeting between Nicolai and Nina, a friend from the past, makes Nicolai return to an abandoned hotel in which, many years ago, he experienced his only love, full of tragedy and an overwhelming feeling.
The Girl and Death

The Trial: The State of Russia vs Oleg Sentsov
Askold Kurov
Oleg Sentsov, Vladimir Putin
August 2015, a courtroom in Rostov-on-Don. A man is peering through the bars of his cage, his eyes reveal that his nerves are about to snap. Today he will be handed down a sentence to which he must submit: 20 years’ imprisonment in Siberia for terrorism. The man is Oleg Sentsov, a film director and Maidan activist born in Simferopol in the Ukraine. He is charged with leading an anti-Russian terrorist movement and having planned attacks on bridges, power lines and a monument of Lenin. Sentsov defends himself, courageously and without flinching. He responds to the verdict with an emphatic denial of his crimes and instead accuses the accusers themselves ...
The Trial: The State of Russia vs Oleg Sentsov