Ulrich Thein
1930 - 1995Hotelboy Ed Martin
Karl-Heinz Bieber, Ernst Kahler
Ulrich Thein, Katharina Matz
Захватывающий кинодетектив студии DEFA из американской жизни был снят по пьесе Альберта Мальца. Слуга отеля Эд Мартин является свидетелем убийства закулисного политического брокера Странски и идентифицирует его убийцу Зелли. Однако Зелли забрал у жертвы документы, что ставит под угрозу лидеров политической организации. Полиция освобождает Зелли из-за угрозы публикации этих документов. Однако дело уже было опубликовано в прессе, и поскольку исход предстоящих выборов во многом зависит от быстрого осуждения Странски, полиция находит «суррогатного» убийцу Эда Мартина. Избитый до смерти, он признается в совершении преступления, но позже отказывается от показаний. Тем временем он находит друзей, которые хотят его защитить…
Hotelboy Ed Martin

Der Fall Dr. Wagner
Harald Mannl
Harald Mannl, Hans Wehrl
Dr. Wagner is a scientist currently working on an experiment for the Asta plant in East Berlin. If the experiment is successful its a brilliant new invention. But Wagner is the target of sabotage, and all the decisive experiment fails. Wagner can not explain this setback.
The Case of Dr Wagner

Jetzt und in der Stunde meines Todes
Konrad Petzold
Inge Keller, Ulrich Thein
Ella Conradi, a dedicated journalist from Germany, is in Jerusalem to report about the trial against the Nazi criminal Eichmann. Disgusted by the monstrosities that are revealed, she eventually returns to Germany. There, she wants to cover common cases and trials again. Her first assignment is a murder trial against a man called Ralf Jordan who constantly maintains his innocence. Conradi, who believes Jordan and wants to help him, starts to investigate the case - and thus opens up a political can of worms. The backgrounds of the case reach back to the Nazi period and involve officials of the Third Reich, who in the meantime have returned to their powerful positions.
Jetzt und in der Stunde meines Todes

The Story of a Murder
Joachim Hasler
Angelica Domröse, Ulrich Thein
In the mid-1950s, mayor Zwischenzahl is killed on the day of his inauguration in a West German town. The killer is Ruth Bodenheim, a Jewish woman, who wanted to avenge the death of her parents. Zwischenzahl, a former SA member, was apparently involved in the deportation of her parents to a concentration camp during the war. Ruth cannot bear the horrible events and the death of her parents and wants to open the eyes of the town′s residents.
The Story of a Murder

Star-Crossed Lovers
Frank Beyer
Armin Mueller-Stahl, Annekathrin Bürger
Magdalena and Michael have loved each other since they were children. But when the Nazis come to power, Michael rebels against the regime and is sentenced to fifteen years in a concentration camp. Magdalena, meanwhile, goes underground with the help of a friend and later immigrates to the Soviet Union. Michael, who has joined the Red Army, discovers on the way to Moscow that Magdalena is staying there. But when his plane lands, she is already on her way back to Germany. Michael hopes that one day, he and Magdalena will be reunited.
Star-Crossed Lovers

Spur in die Nacht
Günter Reisch
Ulrich Thein, Eva-Maria Hagen
Никогда Улли не думал, что посещение гостиницы «Фуксбау» вовлечет его в водоворот страшных событий… В гостинице Улли узнал, что его подруга Сабина исчезла и причем самым таинственным образом. Она, по-видимому, находится в опасности, и его долг ей помочь. О народной полиции Улли был невысокого мнения. И потому он решился взяться за дело сам. Многое было подозрительно в «Фуксбау». Например, неизвестный человек в кожаной куртке. Везде, где, по мнению Улли, происходили таинственные события, появлялся и он. Один из посетителей гостиницы, толстый Леман, явно помогает человеку в кожаной куртке. Подозрительными были и ночные прогулки молодого доктора Майзеля. А тут еще господин Эшка со своим непроницаемым дружелюбием. Во всем этом надо разобраться. Так думал Улли. Но события внезапно принимают крутой оборот. Улли нападает на след…
The Track in the Night

Schlösser und Katen
Kurt Maetzig
Raimund Schelcher, Erika Dunkelmann
Lifelong hard work for the count makes the servant Anton a cripple. Everybody calls him Crooked Anton. When, after the end of the war, the land of the count gets divided amongst the farmers, Anton receives a piece and hopes to be able to work freely. But an old debt and intrigue keep Anton and his family from finding peace. The farmers of the village begin to discover their own power when Annegret, Anton's daughter, leaves. Is a new beginning possible for Anton? This film paints an impressive panorama of the development of a minor village in Mecklenburg from the end of the war to the uprising of 17 June 1953.
Castles and Cottages

Professor Mamlock
Konrad Wolf
Wolfgang Heinz, Ursula Burg
Professor Hans Mamlock is the distinguished chief of surgery in a university hospital. The year is 1933, and although the Professor is Jewish, he remains unconcerned with politics and the growing Nazi threat. Mamlock identifies strongly as a German, and he believes his culture to be simply incapable of the common barbarism associated with the Nazi party. Accordingly, he shows little understanding for people with strong or unpopular political views, such as Walter, a patient, and Rolf, his own son. Indeed, when Rolf joins the communists in resisting the Nazis, Mamlock throws him out of his house. As the persecution of Jews intensifies during the 1930s, Mamlock's own daughter is targeted for anti-Semitic attacks at her school...
Professor Mamlock

Alarm im Zirkus
Gerhard Klein
Erwin Geschonneck, Hans Winter
Two boys from West Berlin, Klaus and Max, live in poverty. They dream of a career in boxing and save every penny in order to buy boxing gloves for training. Nevertheless, they cannot seem to save enough and so they let themselves be hired by the bartender Klott for a twisted scheme. However, Klaus overhears one of Klott's conversations and learns that Klott intends for the boys to steal horses from the East Berlin Barlay Circus, where Klaus recently made some good friends. Indignant, he sets out to stop the robbery—and an adventurous action story results.
Alarm at the Circus