Maurizio Ponzi
1939 (85 лет)Alida
Mimmo Verdesca
Giovanna Mezzogiorno, Piero Tosi
A complete and never-before-seen portrait of the life of a young girl from Pula (Istria) who quickly became one of the most famous and beloved actresses of Italian and international cinema, told through the words of her unpublished letters and diaries, photographs, homemade films in 8 mm, and new interviews with her relatives, friends, and collaborators.
Alida Valli: In Her Own Words

Io, Chiara e lo scuro
Maurizio Ponzi
Francesco Nuti, Giuliana De Sio
Francesco, nicknamed 'Toscano', is a very good pool player but he never wins when he plays for money. He meets Chiara, a saxophone player, on a late night bus by swapping his case containing the cue with her one, containing the sax. The two fall in love, but in the meantime Francesco loses a big amount of money playing versus 'Scuro', the long-time Italian champion. His only chance to pay the debt is to win the Italian Championships.
The Pool Hustlers

Il volpone
Maurizio Ponzi
Enrico Montesano, Paolo Villaggio
Ugo Maria Volpone is a very rich shipowner. He dissimulates to be close to die in order to have the attention of three of his friends: Corvino, Voltore and Corbaccio. The three accepts every kind of humiliation and money loss in order to inherit all Volpone's fortune. Volpone hires a new servant, Mosca. Together the two start to realize new jokes and extortions to the three greedy fake friends. Who will win the inheritance?
The Big Fox

Maurizio Ponzi
Giulio Scarpati, Giuliana De Sio
Поезд идет через всю Италию — из Палермо в Милан. Какие разные люди эти пассажиры: бедняки, едущие из нищей Сицилии в зажиточный Милан в поисках заработка, богатый предприниматель, использующий поездку для уединения со своей любовницей, молоденький статист, мечтающий о большом кино. Как много всего может случиться в итальянском поезде дальнего следования: кто-то влюбляется, кто-то ссорится, у кого-то намечается блестящая карьера, кому-то не повезло. Пройдет двадцать лет, и все участники этого путешествия поедут другим поездом в обратном направлении. Вот тут-то и выяснится, что же произошло за это время с каждым из них? А может быть — можно пересесть на другой поезд и все изменить?

Il tenente dei carabinieri
Maurizio Ponzi
Enrico Montesano, Nino Manfredi
Carabinieri's lieutenant Duilio Cordelli is in charge of investigating fake banknotes traffic. He discovers that a 60 billion lira bank robbery is linked with his case. Things get more complicated when the main suspected, Lorenzini, is killed. Moreover, Cordelli villa is blown up and the evidence points to the conclusion the whole case could be solved only by flying to London.
The lieutenant of Carabinieri

Volevo i pantaloni
Maurizio Ponzi
Giulia Fossà, Ángela Molina
Annetta, of Sicilian origins, is annoyed by the different treatments and freedoms reserved for men and women. Because of her rebellious attitude, the girl is locked up in the house of her relatives where she suffers an attempt of violence by her uncle. After returning to her parents, she finally gets married to her beloved Nicola.
I Wanted Pants