Emidio Greco
2021A Simple Story
Emidio Greco
Gian Maria Volonté, Ennio Fantastichini
After many years, a retired diplomat returns to his native Sicily to visit an abandoned property and delve into family correspondence. But is it worth bringing up the past? A difficult Sicilian history against the backdrop of the mafia and drugs.
A Simple Story

L'invenzione di Morel
Emidio Greco
Giulio Brogi, John Steiner
A castaway arrives on an island. He thinks it's uninhabited, but he sees a palace with also a hidden room. Soon he sees some people walking, dressed with old-fashioned clothes. He is afraid because people don't see him, like a ghost.
Morel's Invention

La balena di Rossellini
Claudio Bondi
Roberto Rossellini, Renzo Rossellini
La Balena di Rossellini origins from one of the most beautiful Roberto Rossellini's dreams, an exemplary project for his autorial path. The film conceived, but never realized, by Rossellini took shape in his notes after a trip to Chile conducted in May of 1971, a trip made to conduct an interview-portrait of Salvador Allende, then actually carried out by the director of "Rome, Open City". October 28, 1971: Rossellini, back from Santiago, Chile, reads a newspaper reports of a beached whale on the Pacific coast near a poor village inhabited by fishermen. From this simple news comes a film script for a fable about wealth and poverty. A film whose shooting Rossellini would have been entrusted to the young student Claudio Bondì, just graduated from the Experimental Center of Cinematography.
La balena di Rossellini

Emidio Greco
Jean-Pierre Cassel, Audrey Matson
Wolfgang Cazotte, a famous, refined and charming court painter of the early 19th century,plans to seduce Ehrengard, an attractive and proud virgin, without touching her, just by instilling in her a throbbing passion. At one point, though, the painter's artifice seems to start turning its back on him...