Alicja Jaworski
2021Lilla grisen flyger
Alicja Jaworski
Kerstin Birde
A little pig dreams of being able to fly, but, try as he might, he fails to get up into the air. All the other pigs are heartily amused by his hapless efforts and so, the little pig has no choice but to go out into the big wide world in search of someone who can teach him how to fly.
Little Pig Is Flying

Lilla Spöket Laban: Bullar och Bång
Alicja Jaworski, Lasse Persson
Maria Lundqvist
För fjärde gången så är det nu spökdags igen på slottet Gomorronsol där vi får följa Lilla spöket Laban, världens snällaste spöke som är rädd för mörker. Tillsammans med Lillprins Bus och Labolina så väntas nu många superläskiga äventyr för Laban.
Lilla Spöket Laban: Bullar och Bång

Lilla Spöket Laban
Alicja Jaworski, Lasse Persson
Maria Lundqvist
Pappa spöke gör sig redo för en natts spökarbete. Han visar Laban sina hemskaste spöktongångar. Det lilla spöket vill låta skrämmande, men oavsett hur han försöker, låter han söt. Problemet är att Laban är rädd själv när han går i de mörka korridorerna.
Laban the Little Ghost

Lilla Anna och Långa Farbrorn
Alicja Jaworski, Lasse Persson
Anna Opitz, Tomas von Brömssen
No two friends are more different than Little Anna and the Tall Uncle. She is short, he is very tall. Little Anna is brave, the Tall Uncle is a scared cat. And yet there is nobody who Little Anna would rather go swimming with, build a tree house with or ride a motorcycle with than the Tall Uncle. And there is nobody the Tall Uncle would rather bake a yummy cake for than his best friend Little Anna.
Little Anna and the Tall Uncle

Emil & Ida i Lönneberga
Alicja Jaworski, Lasse Persson
Astrid Lindgren, Gustav Föghner
‘E-e-emil!’ shouts father across the small farm in Katthult, the boy is up to his old tricks and will have to be banished to the woodshed. Except that Emil doesn’t see this as punishment – on the contrary: he locks the door from inside so that he can continue undisturbed to carve another of his wooden figures, of which he has a whole collection. His little sister Ida also wants to sit inside the shed, but she’s too well-behaved. This new adaptation of Astrid Lindgren’s beloved tales from her book ‘Emil of Lönneberga’ portrays the sunny side of life in the country at the beginning of the twentieth century.
That Boy Emil