Leander Haußmann
1959 (65 лет)Schlingensief – In das Schweigen hineinschreien
Bettina Böhler
Christoph Schlingensief, Tilda Swinton
Using unpublished and newly digitalised archive footage and film material, Bettina Böhler has brilliantly assembled this film about the life and work of the exceptional artist Christoph Schlingensief, who died in 2010.
Schlingensief – A Voice That Shook the Silence

Herr Lehmann
Leander Haußmann
Christian Ulmen, Katja Danowski
In October 1989, the part of the West Berlin borough of Kreuzberg called SO 36, had been largely shut off by the Wall from the rest of the city for 28 years. A lethargic sub-culture of students, artists, bohemians and barflys had flourished among crumbling buildings. Part of that microcosm is barkeeper Frank, semi-formally called 'Herr Lehmann' by friends and patrons. He hangs out drinking, sports utter disregard for anything beyond SO 36 and lazily pursues an affair with cook Katrin. His lifestyle is gradually disturbed, when his parents show up for a visit, things go awry with Katrin and his best friend Karl starts to act strange. Meanwhile, political turmoil mounts on the other side of the Wall.
Berlin Blues

Robert Schwentke
Wotan Wilke Möhring, Julia Hummer
Martin is the ambitious one in the family. He is poised to start on his doctorate, when he is diagnosed with testicular cancer and all his future plans begin to unravel. The removal of one testicle reduces the most immediate threat, but the cancer has already spread and Martin's doctor argues for an operation that would save him, but could also castrate him.
The Family Jewels

Sun Alley
Leander Haußmann
Alexander Scheer, Alexander Beyer
A group of kids grow up on the short, wrong (east) side of the Sonnenallee in Berlin, right next to one of the few border crossings between East and West reserved for German citizens. The antics of these kids, their families, of the "West German" friends and relatives who come to visit, and of the East German border guards, all serve to illustrate the absurdity of everyday life on the Sonnenallee, and therefore throughout the former East Germany.
Sun Alley

Die Konkurrentin
Dagmar Hirtz
Charlotte Schwab, Ann-Kathrin Kramer
Katharina, a successful management consultant, has to face Maren as a new assistant. The young woman is very ambitious but has been employed by junior Boss Grosser to spoil Katharina's career. Despite all circumstances they work perfectly well as a team - and fall in love. Katharina, wife and mother to teenage twins, is shaken up by the new situation. Is she willing to live her life with Maren, an open lesbian?
Die Konkurrentin

Robert Zimmermann wundert sich über die Liebe
Leander Haußmann
Tom Schilling, Maruschka Detmers
26-летний Роберт Циммерманн, дизайнер компьютерных игр, должен присутствовать на презентации своего проекта. Но вот неудача! Во время ланча приятель случайно испачкал его элегантный пиджак, и теперь вместо презентации Роберту приходится отправиться в химчистку. Там он и знакомится с приемщицей Моникой, женщиной старше его лет на 20. Роберт сразу забывает и о важном мероприятии, и о прежней подружке. С этого момента он думает только о Монике, тщетно пытаясь добиться ее внимания и размышляя о вечной загадке любви…
Robert Zimmermann Is Tangled Up in Love

The Polar Bear
Til Schweiger, Granz Henman
Til Schweiger, Karina Krawczyk
Four characters become involved in one dramatic story: Nico has a mission to drive a car containing a live bomb to a specified destination, park the car and escape as quickly as she can. Leo has become his client's target, having carried out a "contract" that unfortunately had already been cancelled. Fabian and Reza want to enjoy themselves without any money, bringing themselves into contact sooner or later with the police. Sooner or later all four will meet up in dramatic circumstances....
The Polar Bear

Kabale und Liebe
Leander Haußmann
Paula Kalenberg, August Diehl
Ferdinand's father, the president of the residence, can not tolerate a serious relationship between his son and a commoner, and moreover intends to marry him to Lady Milford, the prince's mistress, to increase his own influence at court.
Kabale und Liebe

Hotel Lux
Leander Haußmann
Michael Herbig, Jürgen Vogel
In 1938 Hans Zeisig, an apolitical comedian, impersonator and cabaret actor, flees with a Russian passport (instead of American, which he would have preferred) from Nazi-Berlin, and finds himself in the legendary Hotel Lux, the 'lost paradise' of the Comintern, in Moscow. Everyone believes that Zeisig is a man named Hansen, Hitler's personal astrologer. But Zeisig quickly realizes that he's gone from the frying pan into the fire. In the Hotel Lux he meets his friends Frida and later Meyer again, still passionate communists. For the three idealists an adventure between love and death begins to run his course.
Hotel Lux

Hai-Alarm am Müggelsee
Sven Regener, Leander Haußmann
Henry Hübchen, Michael Gwisdek
A lifeguard at Lake Müggel has his hand bitten off and the marks indicate a shark attack. The lake is closed to the public by extending a local festival indefinitely while the city council thinks of what can be done to remove the shark. The public becomes restless having their lake closed for so long and come up with a plan to drive the shark from the lake with large quantities of beer.
Shark Alarm at Müggel Lake

Detlev Buck
Til Schweiger, Detlev Buck
Ein Förderprogramm bringt die beiden Kanckis Gerd und Steinbock in die Obhut von Frauen. Dort sollen sie beweisen, dass sie in der Lage sind sich in die Gesellschaft zu integrieren. Nun bringt Gerd dummerweise einen Barbesitzer um. Damit hat der Ausflug in die Freiheit vorlaeufig ein Ende.