John D. Boswell
2021Most recently, created the 8 part series ORIGINS for National Geographic, and has done extensive work with Disney, PBS, and many other collaborators. A TED guest and Webby Award winner, he strives to evoke a sense of awe with his work by celebrating the musicality of life, nature, and pop culture.
Life Beyond: Chapter 1. The Dawn
John D. Boswell
The biggest question of our time. Are we alone? Chapter 1 of this experience takes you to alien worlds and distant places in time and space, in search of where alien life might be hiding and what our place is within the history of life. After generations of wondering, the truth is finally within our reach. New research and technologies have brought us closer than ever to an answer - only a few decades in the eyes of some NASA scientists.
Life Beyond: Chapter 1. The Dawn

Life Beyond: Chapter 2. The Museum of Alien Life
John D. Boswell
What if there was a museum that contained every type of life form in the universe? This experience takes you on a tour through the possible forms alien life might take, from the eerily familiar to the utterly exotic, ranging from the inside of the Earth to the most hostile corners of the universe. New research is upending our idea of life and where it could be hiding: not just on Earth-like planets, where beings could mimic what our planet has produced, but in far flung places like the hearts of dead stars and the rings of gas giant planets. Nowhere in the universe is off limits. Only when we know what else is out there will we truly know ourselves. This thought experiment will give us a glimpse into what could be out there, how we might find it, and just how far nature’s imagination might stretch.
Life Beyond: Chapter 2. The Museum of Alien Life

TIMELAPSE OF THE FUTURE: A Journey to the End of Time
John D. Boswell
David Attenborough, Sean Carroll
How's it all gonna end? This experience takes us on a journey to the end of time, trillions of years into the future, to discover what the fate of our planet and our universe may ultimately be. We start in 2019 and travel exponentially through time, witnessing the future of Earth, the death of the sun, the end of all stars, proton decay, zombie galaxies, possible future civilizations, exploding black holes, the effects of dark energy, alternate universes, the final fate of the cosmos - to name a few.
Timelapse of the Future: A Journey to the End of Time

The Secret History of the Moon
John D. Boswell
The Moon has drawn out our sense of wonder since before we were fully human. Where did it come from? What secrets are written in its rocks? For most of our history, its story was cloaked in myth and mystery. Only now are the vivid details coming into focus.
The Secret History of the Moon

Timelapse of the Entire Universe
John D. Boswell
В космическом масштабе времени человеческая история коротка, как мгновение ока. Сжав все 13,8 миллиардов лет в 10-минутную шкалу, этот короткометражный фильм напоминает нам, насколько мы на самом деле молоды и насколько стара и обширна наша Вселенная. Начиная с Большого взрыва и заканчивая появлением вида homo sapiens, мы проследуем за времени со скоростью 22 миллиона лет в секунду, строго следуя современному научному пониманию.
Timelapse of the Entire Universe