Thierry Piantanida
2021A Thirsty World
Thierry Piantanida, Baptiste Rouget-Luchaire
Yann Arthus-Bertrand, Catarina de Albuquerque
Today, against a backdrop of sharply increasing demand, growth in the world population and the growing impact of an unsettled climate, water has become one of the most precious natural resources of our planet.
A Thirsty World

La planète blanche
Thierry Ragobert, Thierry Piantanida
Jean-Louis Étienne
The White Planet or in French, La Planète Blanche, is a 2006 documentary about the wildlife of the Arctic. It shows interactions between marine animals, birds and land animals, especially the polar bear, over a one year period. The fragility of the Arctic is hinted at as a reason to prevent climate change. It was nominated for the Documentary category in the 27th Genie Awards in 2007.
The White Planet