Jürgen Hansen
2021Mission im All
Jürgen Hansen
Alexander Gerst, Reid Wisemann
In May 2014 three men were sent into space for a period of six months: the American astronaut Reid Wiseman, German Alexander Gerst and Russian Maxim Surayev. For Wiseman and Barley, it was their first space trip. They take you on a breathtaking adventure. The film follows them during their last months of training in different locations - the NASA center in Houston, Star City near Moscow and the European Centre in Cologne - and ultimately, the launch from Kazakhstan in May 2014. During their six-month stay, the astronauts also shoot footage, giving the viewer an overall picture of what it means to be an astronaut. Zero Gravity is a unique experience full of inside information, fascinating images of space as well as a beautiful story about friendship and devotion.
Zero Gravity: Mission in Space

Yellowstone - Das Geheimnis der Wölfe
Jürgen Hansen, Simone Stripp
Bob Beschta, Heiko Grauel
70 years after the last wolves roamed the national park, a total of 41 wolves were reintroduced between 1995 and 1997. A globally unique experiment that had many supporters, but also resolute opponents, then as now.
Yellowstone: The Mystery of the Wolves

Thomas Pesquet : L'Étoffe d'un héros
Jürgen Hansen, Pierre-Emmanuel Le Goff
At 38, Thomas Pesquet is the youngest French astronaut to be selected for a 180 days mission in the ISS. Oleg Novitskiy, the Russian pilot and the American Peggy Whitson, the most experienced astronaut in the world, train alongside him.
Thomas Pesquet: The Makings of a Hero

Cosmic Encounters
Jürgen Hansen
Alexander Gerst
"Cosmic Encounters" relates one of mankind's oldest dreams: to leave our planet behind and explore outer space - a dream that still fires the imagination of countless human beings to this day. "Encounter in Outer Space" takes the viewer on a journey into the fascinating world of space travel, with images of breathtaking beauty.
Cosmic Encounters 3D

Le retour des loups: Une chance pour le parc de Yellowstone
Jürgen Hansen, Simone Stripp
For 70 years, the population of the wapiti deer in the Yellowstone National Park in the United States increased unchecked. Without natural predators and despite all human attempts to check the increase of the deer population they kept spreading and destroyed vast regions of the park's vegetation. They literally defoliated the National Park. However, a well-directed reintroduction of 41 wolves between 1995 and 1997 worked wonders: The animals restored the natural balance in the National Park.
The Return of the Wolves: The Miracle in Yellowstone National Park

Dans les yeux de Thomas Pesquet
Jürgen Hansen, Pierre-Emmanuel Le Goff
Thomas Pesquet, Marion Cotillard
Directed by Franco-German duo Pierre-Emmanuel Le Goff and Jürgen Hansen, Through the Eyes of an Astronaut is a 28-minute documentary based on images shot on board (and outside) of the International Space Station (ISS) by Thomas Pesquet, the European Space Agency’s (ESA) youngest astronaut, and the 10th French astronaut to travel into space. Enjoy the highlights of his six-month space odyssey, the Proxima Mission, 400 km above the Earth. Pesquet docked with the ISS in November 2016 for a 196-day, 17-hour, and 49-minute mission. The filmmakers and Pesquet had agreed to a shooting plan before the mission, but the result exceeded their expectations! Pesquet kept a daily visual diary -he brought back more than 600 hours of footage, including 40 in IMAX format, sharing his thoughts and feelings on the beauty and fragile nature of our planet, and man’s place in the universe.
Through the Eyes of an Astronaut