Ivan Pyryev
1901 - 1968Pyryev was born in Kamen-na-Obi, in the Tomsk Governorate of the Russian Empire (now Altai Krai, Russia). His early career included acting on stage directed by Vsevolod Meyerhold in The Forest and by Sergei Eisenstein in the Proletcult Theatre production The Mexican. Pyryev also acted in Eisenstein's first short film Glumov's Diary. Pyryev's early career included production jobs behind the camera, such as work for director Yuri Tarich. He débuted as a director in the age of silent film, with Strange Woman (1929).
During the 1930s and 1940s Pyryev rivaled Grigori Aleksandrov as the country's most successful director of musical comedies, all of which starred his wife Marina Ladynina. Even during wartime, when the Soviet film industry had been evacuated to Alma-Ata, Pyryev made popular and light-hearted features. In Six O'Clock after the War is Over the Romantic characters (played by Ladynina and Yevgeny Samoilov), when separated by war, arrange a date at 6 PM on the Victory Day, and the victory celebrations are shown towards the end of the film (which was released in November 1944).
Light of a Distant Star
Ivan Pyryev
Aleksey Batalov, Aleftina Konstantinova
Война разлучила юных героев, но не смогла уничтожить их память о счастливых временах любви. Через несколько лет после победы герой, увидев ее фотографию в журнале, отправляется на поиски любимой.
Light of a Distant Star

The Brothers Karamazov
Ivan Pyryev
Mikhail Ulyanov, Lionella Pyryeva
Based on the novel of the same name by Fyodor Dostoevsky. The tragic story of the Karamazov family takes place in a Russian province in the late 19th century. The relations of their father and three brothers are very complicated and contradictory. One of the brothers is accused of killing his father, whom he did not commit. The brothers are unable to help him, and only a loving girl follows him to hard labour.
The Brothers Karamazov

Ivan Pyryev
Yuriy Yakovlev, Yuliya Borisova
The film is based on the first part of the novel of the same name by Fyodor Dostoevsky. Prince Myshkin returns to Russia from Switzerland, where he was treated in a psychiatric clinic. On the train, on the way to St.Petersburg, the prince meets Parfyon Rogozhin, who tells him of his passionate love for Nastasya Filippovna, the former containment woman of the millionaire Totsky. In St.Petersburg, the prince finds himself in the house of his distant relative – Lizaveta Yepanchina (General's wife), meets her husband, their daughters, as well as the Secretary of General – Ganya Ivolgin. The portrait of Nastasya Filippovna, accidentally seen on the general’s table, makes a great impression on the prince...
The Idiot

Партийный билет
Ivan Pyryev
Andrei Abrikosov, Anatoli Goryunov
Yasha, who likes Anna, accomodates siberian Pavel Kuganov, which later becomes a class-conscious worker in a factory. Anna refuses Yasha's offer of marriage and he therefore runs off to Siberia. After Pavel is hailed as a hero because he survives a fire accident in factory (which is in fact effect of his sabotage), Anna marries him. Pavel then becomes a reckless communist careerist, but only on surface. In fact, he is a traitor of the country and a spy, and gives Anna's party ID card to anti-communist movement. In spite of that, Anna is expelled from the communist party. Yasha returns from Siberia, only to find her love Anna desperate. They reveal the truth about Pavel (that he is a kulak who killed a kolchoz co-op leader), which means an end for Pavel.

Белые ночи
Ivan Pyryev
Lyudmila Marchenko, Oleg Strizhenov
Based on the short story of the same name by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. Petersburg 40s of the XIX century. Summer, white nights. On the banks of the Neva, the Dreamer meets Nastenka. Five nights, walking around the city, young people talk about themselves. Having lost faith in the feelings of the person whom she loves, Nastenka promises the Dreamer in love with her to marry him, but... the other appears, Nastenka is happy again, and the Dreamer is alone again.
White Nights

В шесть часов вечера после войны
Ivan Pyryev
Marina Ladynina, Evgeniy Samoylov
Designed as a successor to "They Met In Moscow", with the same director, star and composer, "Six P. M." (1946 American release title) has two artillery officers meeting an attractive girl in Moscow between battles. One falls in love with her and they vow to meet in Moscow on a bridge at Six P.M. when the war ends. The war puts them on diverse trails, but the pledge is fulfilled against a setting of Moscow's famous fireworks displays.
Six O'Clock in the Evening After the War

Богатая невеста
Ivan Pyryev
Marina Ladynina, Ivan Lyubeznov
A comedy about the happy life of Ukrainian collective farmers. Harvesting in one of the Ukrainian collective farms. The tractor driver Pavlo and the best collective farmer Marinka work perfectly. They love each other. I like not only Paul. The official and adventurer Kovynko has long been yearning for the Marinka and building all sorts of intrigues to the Komsomol members.
Rich Bride

Ivan Pyryev
Marina Ladynina, Nikolay Kryuchkov
The story takes place in a Soviet placed in what is now Ukraine. A mechanic arrives in the Soviet, lead by a young independent woman driving tractors and, between many comedy sketches and propaganda mottoes, a love comes to light.
Tractor Drivers

Кубанские казаки
Ivan Pyryev
Marina Ladynina, Ekaterina Savinova
In the steppes of the Kuban love is born on two collective farms while wheat is (enthusiastically) gathered. Galina, the energetic chairwoman of one of the two kolkhozes, vies with her male counterpart for the best harvest. At the same time Gordey, her rival, a former soldier, is (and has been for ages) in love with her. On her part, Dasha a collective farm worker, has heartbeat for a young technician of the competing kolkhoz...
Cossacks of the Kuban

Сказание о земле Сибирской
Ivan Pyryev
Vladimir Druzhnikov, Marina Ladynina
His right hand having been wounded during the war, concert pianist Andrei Balashov is unable to perform his art. As a result, the young man feels so depressed that he considers his life wasted. One day, he decides to leave the capital and flee from the woman he loves, Natasha, a rising singing star. Andrei takes refuge in Siberia, his native land. Once there, he gets a job in a sawmill, where he entertains his fellow-workers playing the accordion during leisure hours. Some time later, Natasha and her company are expected in America where they are to do a tour. But an airplane breakdown forces the pilot to land next to the village in which Andrei lives and works...
Tale of the Siberian Land

Мы за мир
Ivan Pyryev, Joris Ivens
Film about the third 'Weltfestspiele der Jugend und Studenten für den Frieden' in East Berlin, 1951. West Germany is represented as a degenerate country which has been occupied by the Americans and is still inclined to fascism. We see the construction of the stadium, the departure and arrival of the delegations, the opening and closing by Enrico Berlinguer, a sports event, the parade of the delegations, a visit to Potsdam, folk dancing, and police violence against youngsters from West Berlin who want to visit East Germany because of the games. The film is interlaced with shots from the Korean War and a parade by NATO-troops in West Germany. Featuring Robert Montgomery, Konrad Adenauer, Wilhelm Pieck, Dwight Eisenhower, Robert Leer and Erich Honecker. The crew comprised no less than 24 cameramen. This project was the first great colour film Ivens co-operated in.
Friendship Triumphs

Наш общий друг
Ivan Pyryev
Viktor Avdyushko, Natalya Fateeva
По нелепому стечению обстоятельств колхозная доярка Лиза становится изгоем общества. Честная и трудолюбивая девушка нашла защиту у смелого и чуткого парторга, а потом и полюбила его. Но парторг женат. Чтобы не причинять боль любимому человеку, Лиза покидает колхоз.
Наш общий друг