Rodion Nahapetov
1944 (81 год)I Am Twenty
Marlen Khutsiyev
Valentin Popov, Nikolai Gubenko
Having returned from the army, 20-year-old Sergei settles down at the thermal power station and merges into ordinary life. Every day he meets and spends time with childhood friends — the young family man Slava and the merry fellow Nikolai, and once at first sight he falls in love with a stranger on the bus. A lyrical story about a generation of young people entering adulthood, a reappraisal of values, life principles, traditions in culture and art.
I Am Twenty

Lenin and the Other Story of the Russian Revolution
Cédric Tourbe
Hervé Pierre, Cédric Tourbe
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, better known as Lenin, is remembered as the instigator of the October Revolution of 1917 and, therefore, as one of the men who changed the shape of the world at that time and forever, but perhaps the actual events happened in a way different from that narrated in the history books…
Lenin and the Other Story of the Russian Revolution

Elyor Ishmukhamedov
Mariya Sternikova, Rodion Nahapetov
This is a story about modern youth, about how young people enters the great beautiful world of complex human relations, how, when faced with different people and phenomena, boys and girls are convinced that good and bright are affirmed in life.

In Front of a Closed Door
Rasim Ojagov
Rodion Nahapetov, Nasiba Zeynalova
Любимец всего двора Мурад только что вернулся из тюрьмы, куда попал, взяв на себя вину за преступление своего друга. Все это время его ждала невеста Гюля, и теперь они собираются пожениться. Тем временем из-за одной из дверей выходящих во двор Мурада то и дело доносится крик женщины, но соседи ничего не предпринимают. Сможет ли Мурад возвыситься над всеобщим равнодушием к делам соседа и помочь несчастной женщине?
In Front of a Closed Door

Не стреляйте в белых лебедей
Rodion Nahapetov
Stanislav Lyubshin, Nina Ruslanova
Egor Polushkin (Stanislav Lyubshin) is a kind-hearted, nature loving, artistic family man who is living in a small village. To his neighbors and even his wife (Nina Ruslanova) he is a walking disaster, so they frown at him and call him Bedonosec (engl. misfortune bearer). Only Egors son (Viktor Anisimov) shares his enthusiasm for the beautiful things of live. As Egor becomes the new forest ranger, this new position brings him not only joy, but it is also the source of great suffering to come, as his fondness for the living nature and especially the newly acquired white swans is in conflict with the interests of others...
Do Not Shoot at White Swans

The Lovers
Elyor Ishmukhamedov
Rodion Nahapetov, Anastasiya Vertinskaya
A subtle lyrical story about youth, the search for truth, the first painful experiences of love. The film features three heroes who live in Tashkent. Rodin — a kind and whole man — finds it difficult to live with a girl who doesn't love him, and he himself saves her from the need to lie and suffer... Rustam's life is different. He is loving, talented... The third hero Thassos — a Greek by birth — returns to his homeland, where his mother and sister were found, but there flashed a junta of "grey colonels"...
The Lovers

Серафим Полубес и другие жители земли
Viktor Prokhorov
Rodion Nahapetov, Eduard Bocharov
В российскую глубинку приезжает столичный искусствовед, который должен отобрать на зарубежную выставку картины деревенского художника-самоучки. Знакомство с художником, его односельчанами и чудесной девушкой Дашей заставляет героя по-новому взглянуть на себя и свою жизнь.
Серафим Полубес и другие жители земли

Torpedo Bombers
Semyon Aranovich
Rodion Nahapetov, Aleksei Zharkov
In 1944 a Soviet marine air force unit stationed near Murmansk is fighting off the German bombers attacking the British navy convoys supplying the Soviet Union with war materials under the lend-lease agreement.
Torpedo Bombers

Раба любви
Nikita Mikhalkov
Yelena Solovey, Rodion Nahapetov
Olga Voznesenskaya is a silent screen star whose pictures are so popular that underground revolutionaries risk capture to see them. She's in southern Russia filming a tear-jerker as the Bolsheviks get closer to Moscow. Although married, she spends time every day with Victor Pototsky, the film's cameraman. Gradually, it comes to light that Victor uses his job as a cover for filming White atrocities and Red heroism: he's a Bolshevik. He asks her for help, and she discovers meaning in her otherwise flighty and self-centred life. Love blooms. Will the Red forces arrive in time to save them from a suspicious White military leader? Will she find courage?
A Slave of Love

Покушение на ГОЭЛРО
Nikolai Gusarov
Aleksei Buldakov, Aleksandr Mikhaylov
1932. Ural, city of Krasnouralsk. The power plant has been sabotaged. The turbine is out of order. Having put the guards to sleep, someone poured sand into the turbine oil. In Moscow, the leadership of the OGPU received a secret cipher. From it it becomes known about the conspiracy of German intelligence against the USSR. Its main purpose — subversive actions in Soviet power plants. Special attention is paid to the Urals and the Dnieper under construction. Diversion in Krasnosilske — link in this chain. In Krasnotalsk sent a special agent of the OGPU Viktor Sergeevich Lartsev.
Attempt on GOELRO

Зонтик для новобрачных
Rodion Nahapetov
Aleksey Batalov, Vera Glagoleva
Kraskov and Vera have long loved each other. They are unable to part, however, and connect their destinies can not and have already accepted the circumstances of life: he has a family, three children. A chance meeting in Moscow with a young couple, familiar with the rest in the South, pushes them to a decisive step…
An Umbrella for Lovers

Полет птицы
Vladimir Grigorev
Elena Yakovleva, Rodion Nahapetov
Тридцатые годы. Приехав из провинциального города в Москву, Лека Храпова не стала поступать на юридический, как хотела ее мать, а поступила на актерский. Во время учебы увлеклась "звездочетом" и сластолюбцем из обсерватории, но вышла замуж за молчаливого и надежного оператора-документалиста. Два раза Лека уходила от мужа и, обжигаясь на своих ошибках, возвращалась. Но однажды не вернулась...
Полет птицы

Sergei Ovcharov
Natalya Gundareva, Svetlana Kryuchkova
The bureaucratic epos on the dialogues and plots of Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin "The History of a Town". In a metaphorical and grotesque form, the film conveys the history of Russia from the calling of the Varangians until the end of the 20th century. The film traces the change of the “chiefs” of the county town of Glupov, which differ in varying degrees of tyranny and the corresponding total number of “killed” city residents. The heads of the city easily guess the former heads of the Russian state and the USSR.

На край света...
Rodion Nahapetov
Vera Glagoleva, Vadim Mikheyenko
Устав от родительской опеки и назиданий родственников, Володя решает убежать ото всех «на край света». К нему присоединяется дальняя родственница Симка. Встречи с разными людьми, путешествия, работа на стройке помогли молодым героям познать жизнь и понять, что они любят друг друга.
На край света...