Mikhail Kalik
1927 (98 лет)До свидания, мальчики!
Mikhail Kalik
Evgeniy Steblov, Nikolay Dostal
Goodbye, Boys! is the coming-of-age tale of three teenagers graduating from a Communist school during World War II. It's summer, and their main goals are swimming in the Black Sea and wooing the girl all three of them love. However, they are asked to become officers in the military, and slowly their worlds begin changing forever. Their parents oppose them, they begin fearing losing each other and their families, and the military tricks and maneuvers them into joining the army instead of the navy
Goodbye, Boys!

Mikhail Kalik, Inna Tumanyan
Sergei Gurzo Ml., Lev Kruglyy
Four love stories connected by newsreels of the late 60s. Each short story begins with an epigraph taken from the Song of Songs of the Old Testament. The stories are interconnected by documentary shots and numerous interviews taken on the streets from passers-by who are asked the same question: “what does it mean to love?”.
To Love

Mikhail Kalik
Nikolai Timofeyev, Viktoriya Lepko
Pilot Losev, who lost his family during the war, learns that his daughter Aurika was saved during the bombing, and sets off in search of her. The former pilot will survive many fates and stories before a familiar chorus of a lullaby helps him to recognize his daughter in a random fellow traveler.

Mikhail Kalik
Mikhail Gluzskiy, Aleksandra Klimova
Местом встречи двух братьев, не видевшихся шестнадцать лет, становится старый дом покойного отца. А причиной встречи — продажа отцовской мебели. Преуспевающий врач и небогатый полицейский ведут диалог, в котором раскрываются разные жизненные позиции героев.

Атаман кодр
Mikhail Kalik
Lev Polyakov, Inna Kmit
1833 год. Бессарабия. Беглый холоп Тодор вместе с возлюбленной Юстинией создают отряд гайдуков, грабящих богатых, помещиков и помогающих бедным. За его голову назначено огромное вознаграждение. В результате предательства жандармы арестовывают Тодора. Штабс-капитан Василий Багдеску, симпатизирующий декабристам, организует побег Тодора из тюрьмы. Теперь его ожидают военный трибунал и ссылка в Сибирь.
Атаман кодр