Stanislav Rostotsky
1922 - 2001The Dawns Here Are Quiet
Stanislav Rostotsky
Andrey Martynov, Irina Dolganova
In a remote village in Karelia, Sergeant Vaskov commands an anti-aircraft unit that protects a rail depot. While his men are transferred to the front line, he is reprimanded for their unruly behavior. He retorts that he wants replacements that aren't drunks or womanizers. In response, he is assigned a unit made up entirely of young women, fresh from training.
The Dawns Here Are Quiet

Белый Бим Чёрное ухо
Stanislav Rostotsky
Vyacheslav Tikhonov, Mikhail Dadyko
A touching story about a white Gordon Setter with black ear, who became homeless because of his master's illness. His master, Ivan Ivanovich, a man far from being young, fond of hunting and nature, took a puppy to live with him, despite the dog's black ear being a "shame of nature" to his breed. The man always took his dog, whom he called Bim or Bimka, to hunting in country. Later, however Ivan Ivanovich began to have problems with heart and when the disease became worse was taken to a hospital. His dog couldn't bear waiting for the only person that ever cared for him and set out to find his master. Thus began the story of a homeless dog and his many breathtaking and exciting adventures, encounters of many people, kind and evil, and leads to an unexpected and heart-rending end.
White Bim Black Ear

We'll Live Till Monday
Stanislav Rostotsky
Vyacheslav Tikhonov, Nina Menshikova
Ilya Semenovich Melnikov is a history teacher in an ordinary Soviet high school. He is a very good teacher and his students and colleagues treat him with a great deal of respect. However, Melnikov faces a lot of difficulties in his work. In particular, everybody at school is spreading rumors about Natalya Sergeyevna, an Enlish language teacher and a former student of Melnikov, being in love with him. Exhausted by his mental suffering, Melnikov asks the principal to allow him to quit his job. At the end of the week that is to become the last week of Melnikov's teaching career the students of his class write an in-class essay on how they understand happiness. Svetlana Mikhailovna, their Russian teacher, is shocked by what one of the students wrote in her essay, nevertheless, she allows her to read it in front of the class. The other students express support of their classmate. Melnikov gets involved in the conflict, after which he reconsiders his decision to quit...
We'll Live Till Monday

Delo Bylo v Penkove
Stanislav Rostotsky
Maya Menglet, Vyacheslav Tikhonov
Tractor driver Matvey Morozov returns to his native village from the prison. And he recalls the story of his marriage, his fatal love, failed betrayal and committed reckless “crime”, in which he doesn't repent at all.
It Happened in Penkovo

A Hero of Our Time
Stanislav Rostotsky
Vladimir Ivashov, Alexei Chernov
After the death of Bela, Pechorin was unwell for a long time, and then left the fortress and Maxim Maximych and left for Georgia. Since then, the headquarters captain had no news of his friend, often recalled and carefully carried his diaries in his wanderings. Five years have passed... Once at a post station near Vladikavkaz, Maxim Maximych with delight learns that Grigory Pechorin also came here. The long-awaited meeting brings an unbearable pain and bitterness of disappointment to the old warrior. In his hearts, he mercilessly parted with the travel notes of the ensign. And his random companion finds on the yellowed pages the story of the soul of an amazing, extraordinary person who brings misfortune to others all his life.
A Hero of Our Time

Trees Grow on the Stones Too
Stanislav Rostotsky, Knut Andersen
Aleksandr Timoshkin, Petronella Barker
Vikings attack Kuksja's village, and end up bringing him along on their ship because they believe he is good luck. After proving himself in a battle against the dreaded Danes, chief Torir bestows upon him the name of Einar and takes him in as his son. Back home in Norway the men are received as heros, but new trouble arises when Kuksja falls in love with the beautiful Signy, who is already betroth to the vicious Sigurd.
Trees Grow on the Stones Too

Бежин луг
Sergei Eisenstein
Viktor Kartashov, Boris Zakhava
Bezhin Lug (Bezhin Meadow) was to be a Soviet film about a young farm boy whose father attempts to betray the government for political reasons by sabotaging the year's harvest, and the son's efforts to stop his own father to protect the Soviet state, culminating in the boy's murder and a social uprising. Assigned to Soviet film-maker Sergei Eisenstein, the filming followed the same path as with his previous effort, "Que Viva Mexico", into cost overrun and over-shooting of footage. Furthermore, Eisenstein's usage of forbidden experimental film techniques outraged his government superiors, who ordered the film destroyed before it was even completed. All that survives are the first and last frames of each shot, preserved by Sergei Eisenstein’s wife, Pera Atasheva. The 1967 reconstruction, by Naum Kleiman of the Eisenstein Museum and Sergei Yutkevich of Gosfilmofond, places these frames in order, approximating the original film.
Bezhin Meadow: Sequences from an Unfinished Film

Майские звёзды
Stanislav Rostotsky
Aleksandr Khanov, Michal Staninec
May 1945. On the outskirts of Prague, ordinary people meet Soviet soldiers-liberators with tears of joy in their eyes. In the early days of the lull, someone sadly recalls a pre-war life; someone unexpectedly meets his love; someone is returning from enemy dungeons looking hopefully into the future; and someone, having moved from a tank into a Czech tram, warmly recalls his craft as a car driver... These days, all those who survived the Great War fire swear an oath to keep peace on Earth forever, honoring the memory of those who gave their lives for simple human happiness.
May Stars

A Hero of Our Time: Bela
Stanislav Rostotsky
Vladimir Ivashov, Silvia Berova
Russian officer Pechorin falls in love with Bela, the daughter of a local chieftain. By tricking her brother Azamat into abducting her, he calls upon himself the wrath of horseman Kazbich.
A Hero of Our Time: Bela

Земля и люди
Stanislav Rostotsky
Alexey Egorov, Elena Krivtcova
1953 год. Председателю колхоза «Новая жизнь» Самоварову, консерватору и перестраховщику, приходится не по душе молодой агроном-новатор Шуров. В разгар посевной кампании Самоваров запрещает Шурову сев пшеницы новым методом. Однако Шуров, видя всю пагубность распоряжения председателя, решает поступить по-своему. С помощью бригадира Алёши Пшеничкина, старого хлебороба Терентия Петровича и студентки-практикантки Тоси Ельниковой он производит сев пшеницы по взлущенной земле. Узнав об этом, Самоваров жалуется в районный центр на незаконные действия агронома. Прокуратура начинает следствие…
Земля и люди