John Lvoff
2021La salle de bain
John Lvoff
Tom Novembre, Gunilla Karlzen
For no apparent reason, "the man" decides he is going to live only in the bathroom of his apartment (clothed). Perhaps he wants the isolation he might find there. His solitude destroyed by a bevy of friends, some housepainters hired by his girlfriend, and his family, our philosophical hero makes his way to a nondescript hotel room in Venice, where he spends his time playing darts in his room. When his girlfriend visits him there, he responds to this interruption of his musings by briefly using her forehead as a dartboard. Eventually he returns to his Paris apartment, and reconciles with his injured girlfriend.
The Bathroom

Les Infortunes de la beauté
John Lvoff
Arielle Dombasle, Maria de Medeiros
This romantic comedy from France explores the misadventures of several friends looking for love and trying to define beauty. Daphne is a lovely women who is nonetheless unsure about her looks, compounded by the fact that she's fallen in love with Vincent, who has a policy of only dating models. Daphne's best friend Celine comes up with an idea -- she'll get her pal Jacques to paint a nude portrait of Daphne. When Vincent sees the painting, he'll be more attracted to the woman who posed for it, leading him to her doorstep. But of course, it isn't quite that simple.
Les Infortunes de la beauté

L'oeil de l'autre
John Lvoff
Julie Depardieu, Dominique Reymond
Alice is a photographer mandated by the Ministry of the Environment to photograph sites in the Alpes de Haute Provence. She replaces a renowned photographer who was doing this work and mysteriously abandoned her mission.
L'oeil de l'autre

Couples et amants
John Lvoff
Marie Bunel, Jacques Bonnaffé
Seemingly, Paul (Jacques Bonaffee) and Isabelle (Marie Brunel) have a wonderful, harmonious marriage. Yet Isabelle is not averse to having a little side action with another man in the afternoon, and Paul is really getting into his romance with one of his ophthalmic patients, a young woman who pursues him more than he pursued her. Even those little affairs might not indicate that there is much wrong with the marriage, but when Paul find's out about Isabelle's little affair, he behaves like a thug rather than the sensitive, easygoing man he has appeared to be. By contrast, the constant bickering of a couple they both know seems to indicate real intimacy between them, despite the fact that they are on the verge of divorce.
Couples et amants