Aleksandr Pavlovskiy
1947 - 2018The Green Van
Aleksandr Pavlovskiy
Dmitriy Kharatyan, Borislav Brondukov
It is 1920. After three years of the Russian Civil War, communist government is finally established in Odessa. Young Alyosha Patrikeyv, who dreams of being a detective like Sherlock Holmes, joins the newly forming Odessa Criminal Police. He is assigned to fight illegal booz production in a small village of Severinovka. When he goes on a chase after a horse thief Krasavchik, Alyosha finds himself up against Cherven - the most dangerous criminal in Odessa.
The Green Van

Светлая личность
Aleksandr Pavlovskiy
Nikolai Karachentsov, Aleksandra Yakovleva-Aasmyae
По мотивам сатирических произведений И. Ильфа и Е. Петрова. Волей случая главный герой картины становится невидимкой. Этот курьез вызывает цепь эксцентрических событий, позволяющих авторам в гротескной форме высмеять такие живучие пороки, как бюрократизм, чванство, карьеризм, семейственность…
Светлая личность

Aleksandr Pavlovskiy
Dmitriy Kharatyan, Olga Sutulova
The first love of the young heroine of the film remains unrequited. An adult married man, a friend of her parents, does not believe that he has the right to respond to this feeling. They will meet in a few years other people — and broke out with a new force of love will turn their lives. They do not yet know that they will be separated again. However, their souls are destined to stay together forever…

Счастливый Кукушкин
Aleksandr Pavlovskiy
Vladimir Menshov, Larisa Udovichenko
Попав на аттракцион метания колец, молодой рабочий Кукушкин влюбляется в дочку хозяина трактира и просит у него ее руки. Получив отказ, Кукушкин начинает тренироваться метать кольца. Настает день, когда влюбленный выигрывает все имущество нэпмана — и становится вполне состоятельным женихом для возлюбленной.
Happy Kukushkin

Ребёнок к ноябрю
Aleksandr Pavlovskiy
Larisa Shakhvorostova, Larisa Udovichenko
Dasha thirty years, she was finally disappointed in men and wants to bring child into world from a very handsome guy with good genes. She succeeded to search a firm in that rendered similar services, but from this undertaking nothing went out. During the searches of donor Dasha meets with a good, cute fellow, specialist on repair of televisions. He falls in love in Dasha, but her it seems to that a fellow not fully conforms to her requirements.
A Child by November

Зефир в шоколаде
Aleksandr Pavlovskiy
Aleksandr Pankratov-Chyornyy, Irina Muravyova
During another attempt to build socialism in a single African country, a detachment of Soviet paratroopers rescues a black boy and takes him to the USSR. The Soviet Union collapsed, and the child grew up in an orphanage, knowing nothing of his origins. But before he left for the army, fate brings him down with a sweet girl who dreams of a musical career. It is through it is the key to unraveling the mystery of the birth of a black handsome man - a mystery of international significance!
Marshmallow in Chocolate

На острие меча
Aleksandr Pavlovskiy
Aleksandr Solovyov, Ivan Mykolaichuk
The plot is based on genuine events: a tendency to abandon subversive activities and surrender of one of the leaders of the Ukrainian counter-revolutionary underground, coroner general Y. Tyutyunnik. The young Chekist Sashko Kovalchuk infiltrates the Kiev counter-revolutionary underground.
At the edge of the sword

And to Hell with Us!
Aleksandr Pavlovskiy
Georgy Saakyan, Dmitriy Kharatyan
The Chernomorsk city is preparing to hold a holiday of laughter. Come here popular actors of theatre and cinema. Local cultural activist Alex Muromtsev brings guests into a luxurious country house that was once the dacha of Stalin, and has no idea that Stalin was already waiting in the chambers…
And to Hell with Us!

Струны для гавайской гитары
Aleksandr Pavlovskiy
Dima Petrenko, Stanislav Kupetsky
История про юного хулигана, родители которого были в дальнем плавании, а учительница хотела вызвать их в школу. Чтобы не беспокоить свою бабушку, мальчик решил предъявить фальшивых родителей.
Струны для гавайской гитары