Yuri Yegorov
Yuri Yegorov
Sergei Kurilov, Grigoriy Shpigel
По одноименному рассказу А.П.Чехова. В ненастный осенний вечер у доктора умер маленький сын. В доме воцарилась мертвая тишина. Но приезжает помещик Абогин и умоляет доктора приехать к его больной жене, которая тем временем покидает дом с любовником...

A Simple Story
Yuri Yegorov
Nonna Mordyukova, Mikhail Ulyanov
The war was over. Like many of her female friends, Sasha Potapova was left a widow. It was hard living without a man’s shoulder to lean on, without love and affection, yet no one had ever seen her crying or despairing. For her strong character, the fellow-villagers elected her a collective farm chairwoman. The work, with its cares and worries, helped all but forget about her personal misfortune and woman’s loneliness. And then she fell in love – a bittersweet, unshared love, but happy anyway…
A Simple Story

Yuri Yegorov
Mikhail Ulyanov, Pyotr Shcherbakov
Based on the novel of the same name in the verses of Yevgeni Dolmatovsky. Together with hundreds of other boys and girls, Komsomol members Kolya Kaitanov, Slava Ufimtsev, Alyosha Akishin, Lyolya and Masha came to the construction of the first stage of the Moscow metro. They are united by the romance of the feat, the desire to always be on the most difficult and dangerous site. A romantic and heroic story about the Komsomol members of the 1930s, about the fate of the generation that endured the construction of the first stage of the Moscow Metro, the war, the post-war reconstruction of the country.
The Volunteers

If You Are Right
Yuri Yegorov
Stanislav Lyubshin, Zhanna Bolotova
Having lost her parents during the war, Galya was brought up in an orphanage. When the grandfather was rehabilitated, they began to live together. Galya often called Alyosha to repair the phone. After walking around Moscow at night, they realized that they loved each other. Once, after another call, Aleksei was slandered. The boss, not wanting to delve into the essence of the client's complaint, invited Aleksei to apologize. The guy refused — and he was fired from his job. Friends helped him find another job, but he could not convince Galya that he was right. The girl reproached him for cowardice — and the heroes quarrelled...
If You Are Right

Они были первыми
Yuri Yegorov
Mikhail Kondratyev, Georgiy Yumatov
1918. Anxious in Petrograd. Increasingly compressed around the revolutionary city of the enemy ring. Go to the front working shelves. The struggle against the enemies of Soviet power is not only on the outskirts of the city, but also in the rear. In this harsh and difficult time for the revolution by the will of the Bolshevik party on the outskirts of the workers created Komsomol organizations. The first to join the young Communist League, young workers — Stepan Barabash, Alexander Chizhik, Glasha, Kuzma. After some hesitation and deliberation, members of the Komsomol be a peasant boy, Theodore, who came from a remote village to work in Peter and the schoolboy Zhenya Gorovskoe. In the days of intense fighting young patriots together with the troops of the working guard sent to defend Petrograd
They Were the First

Там, за горизонтом
Yuri Yegorov
Anatoliy Solonitsyn, Vsevolod Sanayev
A young engineer Dmitriy Zherekhov who came to the aircraft plant is trying to prove to the director that it is necessary to switch to new methods of organizing production. He is supported by both experienced test engineer Aleksei Sedykh and test engineer Lyudmila Rudneva. Lyudmila likes Dmitriy, but his rigidity and rationalism complicate their relationship...
There, Beyond the Horizon

Yuri Yegorov
Oleg Efremov, Svetlana Karpinskaya
Герой фильма — инженер-конструктор сельскохозяйственной техники. Однажды он получает телеграмму о том, что придуманный им трактор не работает. Инженер отправляется на выручку колхозникам. И далеко не по служебным мотивам его деревенская командировка неожиданно затягивается…

Не самый удачный день
Yuri Yegorov
Nikita Mikhalkov, Svetlana Svetlichnaya
Based on the story by Yulian Semyonov "Dunechka and Nikita." One day in the life of a simple Soviet family. Spouses Stepanov's on that day decided to terminate the marriage, for which they need to appear in the people's court. This day is not the most successful for them. They leave their little daughter Dunya to the brother of Nadya Stepanova — Nikita. But for him this is also not a very successful day: recording on the radio, an exam at a theater institute, and even a quarrel with his girlfriend...
Not the Most Successful Day

Человек с другой стороны
Yuri Yegorov
Vyacheslav Tikhonov, Igor Yasulovich
1920 год. Стран Советов в экономической блокаде. Инженер Виктор Крымов едет в Швецию с важным правительственным поручением: заказать паровозы у местных промышленников. Он и не подозревает о намерениях белогвардейцев сорвать контракт. Инженеру грозит смертельная опасность. Но кто не рискует, тот паровозы не заказывает! Сделка состоялась еще и потому, что на свете существуют дружба и любовь с первого взгляда.
Человек с другой стороны