Dario Almerighi
202142 – 66: Le origini del Male
Dario Almerighi
Once out a psychiatric clinic with a life to restart 42-66 will have to dwell with his past and an haunting and violent present. Followed by a supernatural presence he will face a pervers boss and his depravated henchmen.
42 – 66: Le origini del Male

7 Sins
Francesco Foletto, Sam Mason Bell
Fabrizio Bordignon, Sophia Cacciola
7 Sins is divided into seven segments, each one unique in its voice, acting, story, and style. While the seven deadly sins are cemented in Catholic Theology and are always the same, the interpretation by any single person is always different, and this assemblage is no exception. This film uses the themes within its subtext and introduces, and then wildly perverts, the punishments associated with the 7 Deadly Sins. The overall atmosphere is one of uneasiness that, in addition to a fair amount of disturbing visuals, is amplified by its pulse-pounding soundtrack.
7 Sins

Confessioni di una Necrofila
Domiziano Cristopharo
Angela del Regno, Lorenzo Fedele
Based on the true-life story of American necrophile Karen Greenlee. In the film, Karen (Angela del Regno) relives the most important moments of her life through a video diary—from childhood, first love, and scandal about her sexual attraction for corpses.
Confessions of a Necrophile Girl