Kazuhito Akiyama
2021孔雀王 鬼還祭
Hidetoshi Omori, Kazuhito Akiyama
FESTIVAL OF OGRES' REVIVAL (1988) was the first volume in a series of five anime adaptations (1988-94) of the Peacock King ("Kujaku-O") manga by Makoto Ogino. The plots of the first three volumes focus on the spirits of key Japanese historical figures being reborn to wreak havoc on modern Japan by taking over the souls of vulnerable young mediums. It is one of the most consistently imaginative series of occult thrillers in Japanese animation and offers the standard hard-edged appeal of the genre--demons, monsters, bloodshed, nudity, possession, etc.--along with an immersion in Japanese cultural history and superior artwork and design.
孔雀王 鬼還祭

孔雀王3 櫻花豊穣
Kazuhito Akiyama
The action-packed Spirit Warrior saga draws to a thrilling close with this horrific tale of a once-famous actress possessed by an entity determined to attain her true power and unleash her fiery fury on all of mankind. The notorious Mistress of the Underworld has finally found a human host, but in order to truly taste freedom and taste the innocent blood she so desires, she must first claim a seventh victim. Now, with the only person standing between the forces of ultimate evil and the destruction of mankind being lowly apprentice exorcist Kujaku, the true battle between the forces of darkness and the forces of light is about to set the world ablaze as never before. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi
Spirit Warrior: A Harvest of Cherry Blossoms