Henri Helman
2021Louis XI, le pouvoir fracassé
Henri Helman
Jacques Perrin, Florence Pernel
В августе 1483 года таинственный посланник прибыл в замок Плесси-ле-Тур, где в уединении живет ослабленный болезнью король Людовик XI. Посланник раскрывает тайный план герцога Орлеанского — убить короля. Имея разветвленную сеть соглядатаев и шпионов король был в курсе всех событий. Его борьба с феодальной раздробленностью многим была поперек горла. Король окружил себя астрологами, боялся смерти, посылал богатые пожертвования в церкви, но до последней минуты обдумывал политические планы по сохранению целостности государства.
Louis XI, le pouvoir fracassé

Charlotte Corday
Henri Helman
Émilie Dequenne, Bernard Blancan
Set in July 1793 during the outbreak of the French Revolution and the unleashing of the Reign of Terror, a young girl from Caen named Charlotte Corday plots to assassinate Jacobin newspaper editor Jean-Paul Marat.
Charlotte Corday

Henri Helman
Bruno Wolkowitch, Yvon Back
France, 17th century, during the reign of Louis XIII. When a dear friend, the Duke of Nevers, is treacherously assassinated by a powerful relative, a skilled swordsman, the noble Henri de Lagardère, seeks his rightful vengeance as he tries to protect the innocent life of the duke's last heir.
The Masked Avenger: Lagardere

Le coeur froid
Henri Helman
Maud Rayer, Johann Ménard
Nathalie, traumatized by the death of a child she had to look after, is hired by Marti to take care of the little Serge, his son. The boy is abnormal, immured in silence. Nathalie brings him out of his shell and becomes attached to her protege. She feels his life is threatened: serious incidents happen. For Christmas, they are alone, and the child mysteriously disappears. She discovers him in the basement, locked up in a chest.
The Cold Heart

Richelieu, la pourpre et le sang
Henri Helman
Stéphan Guérin-Tillié, Jean Dell
In the Kingdom of France from 1640 is the old with his body ailing Cardinal Richelieu, powerful man under Louis XIII, faced with the machinations of his tipped designated successor, the Marquis de Cinq-Mars.
Richelieu: The Purple and the Blood

Contre Enquête: Mort d'un héros
Henri Helman
Isabel Otero, Linda Bouhenni
After a soldier back from Afghanistan leaves a message on her machine right before jumping off a building, Helene Villon, a respected journalist working for a big national paper, feels that this suicide is hiding another story.
Behind the Investigation

Simple question de temps
Henri Helman
Line Renaud, Olivier Minne
A widow of a billionaire, Marie-France Dubreuil-Joris is also a renowned pianist. Trying to manage her fortune as well as possible, she entrusts most of it to her banker, whom she particularly appreciates. But his butler also has after his money.
Simple question de temps

Where Is Parsifal?
Henri Helman
Tony Curtis, Berta Domínguez D.
Tucked away in his castle, a hypochondriac inventor plays generous host to a revolving cast of wacky guests. But to pay off his mounting debts, he must sell either a powerful businessman or a rich gypsy on his latest creation: a laser skywriter.
Where Is Parsifal?