Jeremy Norrie
2021Microbudget Marauders Too
Jeremy Norrie
Sophia Cacciola, Dustin Ferguson
What is a micro budget film? Have you ever come across a super low budget movie on a streaming platform and thought, Wow, how is this here, in the marketplace, right next to the blockbusters? Who is making these movies?
Microbudget Marauders Too

Is Mindfulness Right for You?
Jeremy Norrie
This insightful and informative documentary explores the popular world of Mindfulness from the perspective of four people who study and teach it. Mindfulness is defined as a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.
Is Mindfulness Right for You?

Aliens vs. Bigfoot
Jeremy Norrie
Nick Pope, Mike Bara
This compelling documentary explores the unique fields of Ufology and Cryptozoology and compares and contrasts the communities that have sprung up around Bigfoot and Alien sightings. Featuring interviews from Nick Pope, Mike Bara, Nick Redfern, Dr. Jeffery Wells and many others.
Aliens vs. Bigfoot

Alien Contactee: A Conversation with Dr.Louis Turi
Jeremy Norrie
Louis Turi
Contactees are people who have experienced contact with extraterrestrials. Dr. Louis Turi had four such encounters. This documentary exams his encounters, his relationship with Astrology, and how he has accurately predicted several major world events.ri
Alien Contactee: A Conversation with Dr.Louis Turi