Naomi Holwill
2021The Life, Legend and Legacy of Donald P. Borchers
Naomi Holwill, Jim Kunz
Donald P. Borchers
A documentary looking at the life and times of Donald P. Borchers, one of Hollywood's most underrated and under-acknowledged independent film producers. Particularly associated with New World Pictures in the 1980s, Borchers made a considerable mark in Hollywood, including through launching such franchises as "Angel" and "Children of the Corn."
The Life, Legend and Legacy of Donald P. Borchers

From Rollerball to Rome - Reflection on a Sci-Fi Classic
Naomi Holwill
Maud Adams, Sergio Martino
Produced for the "ultimate edition" of "Rollerball" from Capelight Pictures in Germany, 2020. The Blu-Ray of the original 1975 classic comes packed with this fascinating 85-minute documentary that charts the influence of "Rollerball" on contemporary scifi cinema, including "Mad Max", "The Warriors" and "Escape from New York", as well as the Italian variant that struck the big time with motion picture successes such as "The Bronx Warriors" franchise, "The New Barbarians" and the wonderfully trashy "Endgame".
From Rollerball to Rome - Reflection on a Sci-Fi Classic

Prince: The Peach and Black Times
Calum Waddell, Naomi Holwill
Prince, LeRoy Bennett
Documentary featuring Dr. Fink (keyboards), Susan Rogers (sound engineer), Steve Purcell (editor), Leroy Bennett (stage and lighting design), Gert de Bruijn & Michiel Hoogeboezom (sound engineers), Dave Rusan (Rusan Guitarworks) and Edgar Kruize (author of ‘Prince: The Dutch Experience’).
Prince: The Peach and Black Times