Melissa Jo Peltier
2021Titanic: The Complete Story
Melissa Jo Peltier, Edith Beckler
David McCallum, Robert D. Ballard
The "unsinkable" Titanic was a dream come true: four city blocks long and a passenger list worth 250 million dollars. But on her maiden voyage in April 1912, that dream became a nightmare when the giant ship struck an iceberg and sunk in the cold North Atlantic. More than 1,500 lives were lost in one of the greatest disasters of the 20th century. Now, using newsreels, stills, diaries, and exclusive interviews with survivors, Titanic: The Complete Story recounts the sensational history of the premier liner. In Part I: Death of a Dream, the largest ship ever built is christened in Ireland before a cheering crowd of 100,000. Witness the disaster this trek becomes as numerous iceberg warnings go unheeded and the ship sinks in the icy North Atlantic. In Part II: The Legend Lives On, over-packed lifeboats edge away from the crippled liner as a futile SOS signals flare into the night--leaving 1,500 passengers to a watery grave.
Titanic: The Complete Story

The Roswell Crash: Startling New Evidence
Melissa Jo Peltier
Bryant Gumbel
From the initial news of a "disk" being recovered in the desert to a scientific excavation of the 1947 crash site in Roswell, N.M., this documentary offers an account of what may be an event in the 20th century. Includes eyewitness interviews and new footage. Archaeologists from the University of New Mexico, in partnership with SCI FI Channel, set out to uncover physical evidence to help prove whether the claim of an extraterrestrial craft crash is science fiction or science fact.
The Roswell Crash: Startling New Evidence

White Irish Drinkers
Melissa Jo Peltier, John Gray
Nick Thurston, Geoffrey Wigdor
A coming of age story set in 1975 working-class Brooklyn, in which two teenage brothers living with their abusive father and their well-meaning but ineffective mother are caught up in a life of petty crime. Older brother Danny concocts a daring scheme to steal enough money for the two to escape, timed around the chaos of an upcoming Rolling Stones concert. The sensitive younger brother, Brian, ultimately has a choice: remain loyal to the brother with whom he shares a powerful love-hate bond, or use his hidden talent as an artist as his own ticket out of their dead-end existence.
White Irish Drinkers