Aleksey German
1938 - 2013Trial on the Road
Aleksey German
Rolan Bykov, Anatoliy Solonitsyn
This distinctly Russian war story takes place in 1942 behind enemy lines. A regiment of partisans captures former Red Army lieutenant Lazarev who is dressed in a German uniform. He’s a Nazi defector and collaborator but now desires to switch back and fight with Russian partisans.
Trial on the Road

Twenty Days Without War
Aleksey German
Yuriy Nikulin, Lyudmila Gurchenko
War correspondent Lopatin takes a 20-day-leave from his hard work at the front in 1942. He travels to faraway Tashkent to meet the family of the killed soldier and visit the film set of the screen adaptation of his war-time stories. Lopatin also manages to walk the streets of Tashkent, take part in a factory workers' meeting and have a short-lived love affair. Although with no bombings and fighting, the city dwellers breathe the atmosphere of the ongoing war.
Twenty Days Without War

The Seventh Companion
Grigoriy Aronov, Aleksey German
Andrei Popov, Pyotr Chernov
A portrait of the era of "Red Terror" during the civil war that followed the Bolshevik revolution, The Seventh Companion offers a character study in General Adamov (Andrei Popov), a law professor in the tsarist army, who is incarcerated by the Bolshevik secret police along with many other members of the bourgeoisie. Finally released into the new world of the Soviet Union, the resigned officer finds that he has lost everything from his old life except a mantel clock that he carries through the night from place to place, until he ends up back where he started.
The Seventh Companion

The Castle
Alexey Balabanov
Nikolay Stotskiy, Svetlana Pismichenko
Closely based on Franz Kafka's book "Das Schloß", the movie shares the same action on a land surveyor who is called to a village to do a job that no one seems to have ordered. Once there, he takes up the struggle against bureaucracy emanating from the castle.
The Castle

Hard to Be a God
Aleksey German
Leonid Yarmolnik, Yuriy Tsurilo
A group of scientists is sent to the planet Arkanar to help the local civilization, which is in the Medieval phase of its own history, to find the right path to progress. Their task is a difficult one: they cannot interfere violently and in no case can they kill. The scientist Rumata tries to save the local intellectuals from their punishment and cannot avoid taking a position.
Hard to Be a God

Мания Жизели
Alexey Uchitel
Galina Tyunina, Mikhail Kozakov
A detective-dramatic chronicle of love adventures of the famous Russian ballerina Olga Spesivtseva, nicknamed by contemporaries Red Giselle. It was Giselle who immortalized her name in 1924. It was "Giselle" that caused the psychic catastrophe in 1942.
Gisele's Mania

Канувшее время
Solomon Shuster
Stanislav Lyubshin, Nina Ruslanova
Весной 1957 года руководитель сталелитейной промышленности СССР, председатель государственного комитета по металлургии и член ЦК КПСС Александр Леонтьевич Онисимов (это вымышленный персонаж из романа Александра Бека «Новое назначение») был снят с должности и назначен послом в одну из североевропейских стран, где у него появилась возможность многое обдумать и понять истинную причину своего отстранения… Показаны эпизоды жизни Онисимова, начиная с конца 1930-х годов, времени Большого террора, и заканчивая концом 1950-х годов, когда у него была обнаружена тяжёлая болезнь — вероятно, рак лёгких. В фильме использованы кадры кинохроники, за кадром звучат стихи Бориса Слуцкого.
Канувшее время

Сергей Иванович уходит на пенсию
Solomon Shuster
Alisa Freyndlikh, Georgi Burkov
Чтобы не мешать личному счастью дочери, бухгалтер Сергей Иванович, уйдя на пенсию, уезжает к сыну в Москву. Там он не находит общего языка с невесткой и возвращается обратно, в Ленинград, к другому сыну. Но и здесь он чувствует себя лишним, тоскуя по дочери и внучке.
Сергей Иванович уходит на пенсию

Alexey Balabanov
Sergei Makovetsky, Zoya Buryak
One of the three films that comprise Arrival of a Train, a collection of shorts made to celebrate the centenary of cinema. Set at the turn of the 20th century, the film follows Trofim, a Russian peasant jealous of his wife for having an affair with his brother. Trofim kills his brother and runs away to St. Petersburg. Then Trofim steps off the train in St. Petersburg, a cameraman who happens to be shooting on the platform captures his arrival.