Eduardo De Filippo
1900 - 1984Natale in casa Cupiello
Eduardo De Filippo
Eduardo De Filippo, Pupella Maggio
Luca Cupiello, like every Christmas, prepares the crib, amid the disinterest of his wife Concetta and his son Tommasino. Ninuccia, the other daughter, writes a letter to her husband in which she communicates that she leaves him for her lover. The letter happens in the hands of Luca who hands it over to his son-in-law, who thus learns of his wife's betrayal. During lunch on Christmas Eve, the two rivals, who were confronted by Luca's carelessness, clash violently.
Natale in casa Cupiello

Natale in casa Cupiello
Eduardo De Filippo
Eduardo De Filippo, Nina De Padova
Luca Cupiello lives with the wife Concetta, the son Tommasino, and a brother, Pasquale. The son is wild, living by gimmicks and stealing from his uncle; the daughter Ninuccia does not get along with her husband Nicolino and plans to run away with her lover Vittorio; the wife tries to hide her family's troubles from her husband. Luca, who silently suffers the family situation, takes refuge in setting up the Nativity scene.
Christmas at the Cupiello House

Io sono Anna Magnani
Chris Vermorcken
Anna Magnani, Claude Autant-Lara
Traces the life of Anna Magnani, her creations, her successes, her triumphs, her boycotted career, her nonconformism, her anxieties, her generosity ... Punctuated with photos that tell her career in theater and cinema, Extracts of films, this documentary portrait also gives the floor to his friends and relatives, from Roberto Rossellini to Marcello Mastroianni, through Federico Fellini.
My Name Is Anna Magnani

Filumena Marturano
Eduardo De Filippo
Eduardo De Filippo, Titina De Filippo
Filumena, an ex-prostitute and for decades Domenico Soriano's lover, discovers that he intends to get married and so pretends to be on the verge of death in order to get him to marry her instead.
Filumena Marturano