Ingo J. Biermann
2021Pfui, Rosa!
Ingo J. Biermann, Rosa von Praunheim
Rosa von Praunheim, René Krummenacher
German iconoclast filmmaker and gay-rights activist Rosa vonPraunheim examines his own life and career in the documentary Phooey Rosa! With a quickly paced editing style, the film is a mix of personal banter, candid interviews, and clips from his filmography. It also includes footage from his early film Bed Sausage to his later work Neurosia. At the age of 60, vonPraunheim reveals intimate details about his past relationships and his childhood growing up after WWII. He also implicates some of his friends and inspirations, including Luzi Kryn and Rainer Kranach.
Pfui, Rosa!

Kühe, vom Nebel geschwängert
Ingo J. Biermann, Rosa von Praunheim
Catchy mix of farce and documentary. Portrait of a Berlin theatre company made up entirely of the homeless, alcoholics and junks. They call themselves ‘rats’ and take the film over to have a party.
Cows Knocked Up by Fog

Vor dem Konzert
Ingo J. Biermann
René Hofschneider, Emily Behr
Before the concert, three scenes from the life of a successful classical cellist, who finds fulfillment and refuge in music. However, as the precarious balance in which he has set up his life suddenly wavered, a roller coaster of emotions becomes a roller coaster of a normal day before a concert.
Before The Concert