Mikael Håfström
1960 (64 года)Evil
Mikael Håfström
Andreas Wilson, Henrik Lundström
Stockholm, the fifties. Though academically bright, violent pupil Erik Ponti is expelled from his state school with the headmaster’s words “there’s only one word for people like you – evil… what you need is a good thrashing, and more”. In fact already Erik frequently receives a ‘good’ thrashing at the hands of his sadistic stepfather – so he is packed off by his mother to boardingschool

Mikael Håfström
John Cusack, Сэмюэл Леброн Джексон
Известный писатель Майк Энслин, сочиняющий свои романы в жанре «ужасы», пишет очередную книгу о необычных явлениях и полтергейсте в отелях. Не верящий в существование загробной жизни, Энслин решает поселиться в печально известном номере 1408 гостиницы «Дельфин», который пустует многие годы: по слухам, там обитают привидения. Невзирая на предупреждения старшего менеджера мистера Джеральда Олина о грозящей опасности, упрямец настаивает на своем, даже не предполагая, каким кошмаром обернется предстоящая ночь…

Escape Plan
Mikael Håfström
Сильвестр Сталлон, Arnold Schwarzenegger
Ray Breslin is the world's foremost authority on structural security. After analyzing every high security prison and learning a vast array of survival skills so he can design escape-proof prisons, his skills are put to the test. He's framed and incarcerated in a master prison he designed himself. He needs to escape and find the person who put him behind bars.
Escape Plan

The Perfect Patient
Mikael Håfström
Jonas Karlsson, David Dencik
A true and captivating story about the biggest legal scandal in Swedish history, the story about the reporter who questioned an entire legal system. Hannes Råstam was dedicated to proving the innocence of Thomas Quick and unmask the legal chaos which sentenced Quick to a life in psychiatric prison.
The Perfect Patient

Mikael Håfström
John Cusack, Gong Li
An American man returns to a corrupt, Japanese-occupied Shanghai four months before Pearl Harbor and discovers his friend has been killed. While he unravels the mysteries of the death, he falls in love and discovers a much larger secret that his own government is hiding.

The Rite
Mikael Håfström
Anthony Hopkins, Colin O'Donoghue
Seminary student Michael Kovak reluctantly attends exorcism school at the Vatican. While he’s in Rome, Michael meets an unorthodox priest who introduces him to the darker side of his faith, uncovering the devil’s reach even to one of the holiest places on Earth.
The Rite

Mikael Håfström
Stefan Sauk, Ennio Fantastichini
Two Swedish business men are kidnapped in Rome by the Mob, and moved to Sicily. Carl Hamilton is sent to Sicily on direct order from the Swedish Government. He is sent to negotiate for their release. Hamiltons partner and best friend, Lundwall, is murdered by the Mob. Hamilton is dragged into a bitter and brutal vendetta between himself and the Mob-leader Don Tommaso.

Leva livet
Mikael Håfström
Kjell Bergqvist, Carina M. Johansson
Vaccuum salesman Evert makes the rounds in a suburban Stockholm apartment building, getting brief glimpses of the various tenants' lives. During the course of the day, he meets an arguing married couple, a lonely older woman and a younger couple preparing an anxious dinner.
Days Like This

Drowning Ghost
Mikael Håfström
Rebecka Hemse, Jesper Salén
Hundred years ago, three students at the Hellestads Boarding School were brutally slaughtered, the murderer drowned himself in a lake nearby and his body was never found. The story has become a legend for generations of students as well as a yearly festivity. Sara, a student, is writting an essay based on the legend and uncovers new facts from the event that will cast dark shadows on the family name of one of the school's main benificiaries. On the night of the hundreth anniversary, the festivities go awry, students disappear and something dark and unknown is moving through the schools corridors...
Drowning Ghost