Jesús Franco
1930 - 2013Llámale Jess Redux
Manel Mayol, Carles Prats
Jesús Franco, Lina Romay
Jesus Franco, also known as Jess Franco, was one of the most important names in "B" cinema worldwide. With more than 200 works and a wide and peculiar use of pseudonyms, his work remains difficult to catalog, which makes it more exciting if it fits. Through a series of interviews with Franco, "Llámale Jess Redux" brings the spectator closer to the sadist, esoteric and erotic world of the director, as refined as rogue. This new version of "Llámale Jess" (2000), considered the reference documentary on Franco, and directed by Carles Prats and Manel Mayol, incorporates new unpublished statements by the irreducible Madrid filmmaker, as well as paying homage to his muse and companion, Lina Romay , Incorporating his active presence to the story.
Call Me Jess Redux

Drácula Barcelona
Carles Prats
Jesús Franco, Christopher Lee
In 1969, Jesús Franco and Christopher Lee shot Count Dracula in Barcelona. At the same time, Pere Portabella became aware of this filming, vampirizing it in Cuadecuc, Vampir. Genre and Art-house films had never been so close. Drácula Barcelona tells the story of these two movies.
Drácula Barcelona

Sesión salvaje
Julio César Sánchez, Paco Limón
Javier Aguirre, Simón Andreu
A walk through the golden age of Spanish exploitation cinema, from the sixties to the eighties; a low-budget cinema and great popular acceptance that exploited cinematographic fashions: westerns, horror movies, erotic comedies and thrillers about petty criminals.
Wild Session